Supreme Court Tosses Case Over Biden Coercion Of Social Media

June 26th, 2024

Via: ZeroHedge:

The Supreme Court on Wednesday tossed a case claiming that the Biden administration unlawfully coerced social media companies into removing content and banning users based on political views.

In a 6-3 decision, the Court found that the plaintiffs did not have standing to sue – as opposed to tossing the case on merit – just like the vast majority of election fraud cases which didn’t make it past lower courts.

Clearly it was easier to punt this one than focus on the mountain of evidence that the Biden administration and US intelligence agencies were directly pressuring social media platforms to censor free speech disfavorable to the regime.

4 Responses to “Supreme Court Tosses Case Over Biden Coercion Of Social Media”

  1. Dennis says:

    I’d never heard of cases being dismissed for ‘lack of standing’ prior to the election fraud cases, and then only in the US, until recently, when a case against Pfizer & Moderna was dismissed in Australia:

  2. Snowman says:

    If I could draw, I’d make a cartoon of Julius Caesar being stabbed to death by his Senators, except Caesar would be Uncle Sam and the Senators would be the Supreme Court justices.

    Or Soros et al would be the assassins, with the knives labeled: unrepayable debt — the vax — illegal immigration — inflation — no more freedom of speech — REALID — CBDC.

  3. Dennis says:

    The New Bill of Rights for US Citizens

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