WikiLeaks DNC Email Archive Appears to Have Been Removed, But Not Recently

June 26th, 2024

The WikiLeaks DNC email archive appears to have been removed, but not recently. I checked Internet Archive and I had to go back to 2022 to get a working snapshot.

The WikiLeaks search index still contains pointers to the files, but the files themselves are resulting in “Internal Server Error” as of now. If you check Internet Archive, you’ll see that the DNC email archive was removed at some point in 2022.

Other files, such as the Hillary Clinton emails, are loading fine.

3 Responses to “WikiLeaks DNC Email Archive Appears to Have Been Removed, But Not Recently”

  1. Dennis says:

    FWIW, last night I did a search for a particular quote which used to result in many hits but now gets only one, my 2023 comment on cryptogon:

  2. Snowman says:

    Erasing history. It’s what they do.

    I think they will be censoring or erasing Bibles at some point. Need to have some in storage, different versions and commentaries, so future generations can study and learn. Mere word of mouth always garbles the message eventually. Need hard copy text.

  3. Snowman says:

    PS Acid-free printer paper can be purchased and online text saved on it. If the printout is sealed in a mylar bag, it should last for generations. Ordinary paper can be sealed that way also, and it will help it last longer than otherwise. Don’t know if oxygen-absorbing pellets would help or not.

    The State Library in Maine is no longer lending its books to state citizens via the public libraries. It is in a contract dispute with its transportation company. The dispute is going through the courts, so may take years to resolve. The effect is like massive censorship.

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