“This is America’s Darkest Secret”

June 17th, 2024


Biden Administration Facilitates Sex Trafficking and Rape of Immigrant Children, Florida Grand Jury Reports

‘Modern-Day Slave Traders’: Hawley Demands Probe Into 85,000 ‘Lost’ Migrant Children

HHS Whistleblower Says Government Complicit in Trafficking; Child Admits Being ‘Pimped’ by Sponsor

Biden Secretly Flying Underage Migrants Into NY in Dead of Night

U.S. Waives FBI Checks on Caregivers at New Migrant Facilities, Alarming Child Welfare Experts

Audio Appears to Reveal Sexual Abuse at Fort Bliss Facility for Migrant Kids

Tucker Obtains Whistleblower Report on Military Flying Illegal Immigrants

DHS Insider Blows Whistle on Int’l Child Sex Trafficking Gangs Exploiting ‘Reasonable Fear’ Loophole

Via: Redacted:

More: “Upcoming Report Will Expose Horrors” Of Biden’s Lost 85,000 Migrant Children In America

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