“The Haunting Connection Between UFOs and America’s Nuclear Weapons”

June 9th, 2024

Via: Daily Mail:

UFO reports over America’s nuclear arsenal appeared to shift from sites where the bombs were made to missile silos and US air bases as the Cold War arms race grew.

That’s one of the key findings from the new work, a series of three studies led by a retired US Air Force staff sergeant, Larry Hancock, and a data analyst affiliate with Harvard’s UFO-hunting Galileo Project, Ian Porritt, along with their research team.

The group focused their analysis on official military and police reports of UFOs from 1945 to 1975, avoiding poorly supported accounts and ambiguous newspaper stories, to focus on cases with multiple witnesses and signals evidence, like radar.

Their study, which only covered US cases, also used reports of UFOs spotted above non-nuclear army bases and nearby civilian centers to act as control groups to test against their findings of any UFO trends at America’s sensitive nuclear installations.

Their qualified, but haunting conclusion: Data from this three decade-long period lends credence to the idea that extraterrestrials, or some other intelligence, has methodically surveilled America’s rise to a nuclear power.

‘This intelligence understands the developmental cycle. They have some contextual knowledge of what they’re looking at and what they’re looking for,’ Hancock told DailyMail.com, given these shifts in reported UFO sightings over time.

Paper: UAP Activity Pattern Study 1945-1975 Military and Public Activities

Related: Kevin Knuth, Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Albany: Handheld Nuclear Fission Reactor to “Lure” UFOs

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