Naomi Wolf: ‘If Europe Does Not Wake Up, You Will All Be Dead’

May 13th, 2024

I recently had dinner with someone (in her 40s) who was very nearly killed by the Covid vaccine. She thinks her blood clots and heart attack were just bad luck, like all of the other horrific health outcomes for her vaxed and boosted family members.

After emergency surgery and a couple of stents, she survived. She is now on statins for the rest of her life and eating what amounts to a vegan diet but with some fish. She has become obese on this diet due to all of the carbs and still experiences pain around her heart.

She made dinner and it was full of tofu. My children picked out the tofu. My wife and I ate small amounts, just to get through the ordeal with as little friction as possible.

“Why don’t they like tofu?” she asked.

I looked at her briefly, thinking about how I could spend the next three hours trying to bring a touch of sanity to the situation. This would have involved frightening this person’s children and severing the relationship (the person is relative who lives in a different country) only to harden her opinion that my wife and I believe disinformation and quackery, despite the coincidental lack of deaths or disastrous medical episodes in our unvaxed household.

Or, I could simply let this person go to vaccine heaven thinking she had done the right thing.

I said something like, “We mostly eat what we produce, so that’s what they’re used to.” This is technically not a lie.

When trying to help people who have fallen for this scam, you can forget a logical presentation of overwhelming evidence. I don’t know if anything can be done. I have been friends with alcoholics who could not be helped and died as a result of their addiction. What we’re seeing with victims of the Covid cult reminds me a lot of those too-far-gone alcoholics I’ve known.

Maybe there are people reading this who have dealt with cult deprogramming or other profoundly destructive mental situations and can offer some suggestions.

Via: blckbx:

Book: Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age Paperback by Naomi Wolf

Research Credit: Sgt Doom

7 Responses to “Naomi Wolf: ‘If Europe Does Not Wake Up, You Will All Be Dead’”

  1. anothernut says:

    I can’t offer suggestions, I basically avoid all such discussions with friends and relatives who unerringly, frequently, and proudly declare their allegiance to the corporate narratives (COVID, Israel, Iran, Russia, inflation, 2-party system, etc.). I used to take the bait, but have come to realize it’s useless — or worse — as you pointed out. They belong to a (very dogmatic) religion and the last thing they want to do is be declared heretics by their brethren. The truth isn’t for everybody.

  2. Snowman says:

    Same here with friends and relatives. But if you offer a little info and they turn you down, you’ve already done all you can; browbeating them (as they will see it) won’t help. You can relieve the stress for both/all of you by just avoiding the subject.

    Only a small suggestion here, but it may not be worth trying due to the inevitable backlash. You could print out all the comments you get on this and hand them over to her as she is or you are leaving, saying something like, “I got these comments about Covid from people I know. Maybe you’ll find them interesting.” And never mention them again unless she starts the conversation; if she only criticizes, brush it off and let it go.

    This ‘pandemic’ has been divide and conquer in the worst way possible. We have to focus on mutual interests and shared viewpoints and try to ignore that elephant in the room, because he’s here to stay for awhile, and at the least provocation, he’ll trample us all.

  3. prov6yahoo says:

    When trying to expose people to the truth, my ‘go to’ is showing them WTC7 falling

  4. prov6yahoo says:

    One of the biggest scams/health-scares was the low-fat/no-fat/high-carb crap diet they fed us for 60+ years. It made people fat and unhealthy, thus causing them to give more to the health-care-industrial-complex, and possibly causing more deaths than any other scheme. It was definitely a purposeful lie as there was plenty evidence to the contrary as researching very thin people and body builders could prove. I still see people buying into this garbage by trying to go lowfat.

  5. rotger says:

    You cannot deprogram them by simply telling the truth. It’s useless. Even if they believe you for a day or two, the media will put them right back to sleep in no time. I found out the best thing to do is to point out how dishonest the sources of propaganda (the medias) are. Point the half truth they are saying, the inaccuracies, the outright lies (if you think the person can handle it). It doesn’t have to be about any particular topic, because the goal here is not yet to make the person understand the truth but to destroy the credibility of the propaganda outlets. When they finally stop unquestionably taking the media as gospel, only then can you start the process of slowly exposing hem to the truth.
    As a bonus, when they finally see the media for what they really are, they will be reminded everyday of their disgusting behavior. The propaganda will now have the opposite effect on them.

  6. prov6yahoo says:

    Because if it’s not on TV, then it didn’t happen…

  7. prov6yahoo says:

    @rotger – you are so right. When I show someone WTC7 falling, they will say “hmmm… that’s very interesting,” then go on like it doesn’t mean anything.

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