War Is A Racket: Anduril Pulsar

May 8th, 2024

Here’s a tiny curiosity to add to your long herniating War Is A Racket file folder.

The U.S. Government paid Anduril about a billion dollars for a system that seeks to counter a sub-$500 threat:

The company in 2022 mentioned the EW equipment after winning a nearly $1 billion counter-unmanned aerial systems contract from U.S. Special Operations Command. A memo obtained by Defense News that same year described it helping to “mitigate incoming threats.”

How effective would this Pulsar system be if the enemy programmed the target coordinates into ArduPilot (free/open source) and spent a few cents on EM shielding on their sub-$500 drone?


Silly me, worrying about the finer details—like whether the widgets will work or not.

As long as wealth is transferred from the base of the pyramid to the psychopath war priests at the top, it’s mission accomplished.

Now, let’s look at the bright side.

Compared to boondoggles like the F-35 ($1.5 trillion) and spending a couple of decades and $2.3 trillion to kill people wearing sandals and armed with $150 AK-47s in Afghanistan*, this Anduril contract seems like a bargain.

* Same Taliban, same sandals, now with U.S. weapons costing an order of magnitude more and provided to them by the U.S. taxpayer: As Taliban takes over, some swap iconic AK-47s for made-in-America rifles.

Via: Anduril:


Major General Smedley Butler: War Is A Racket (1935)

President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address (1961)

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