Canadian Govt Offers Vaccine Victim Suicide as Compensation for Paralysis

April 29th, 2024

Via: Armstrong Economics:

Kayla Pollock, 37, was a healthy woman from Ontario with no medical issues. Everything changed with Kayla took the Moderna mRNA experimental vaccine on January 11, 2022. Four days later, she collapsed and could lost feeling in her legs. Her doctor suggested she see a neurologist. Kayla woke up one morning in February and was unable to move her body. An MRI revealed that she developed a large lesion on her spinal cord. She never walked again.

Kayla is no longer able to care for herself and requires live-in care. She lost her job, the ability to raise her son, and lives in constant pain. She has attempted to secure financial support through the Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) but was denied and reapplied numerous times. The Canadian government has repeatedly offered her the opportunity to enter the MAID program – government sponsored suicide.

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