Nearly 8,000 Americans Received Injection that Can Cause Alzheimer’s

January 31st, 2024

Via: Daily Mail:

An NIH panel is set to convene an urgent meeting amid fears thousands of Americans may have been put at risk of ‘catching’ Alzheimer’s.

A bombshell UK study published Monday found evidence of at least five people ‘caught’ the memory-robbing disorder from a now-banned hormone treatment.

The growth hormones – harvested from the bodies of dead people – were riddled with toxic amyloid-beta protein ‘seeds’, or prions, which were shown to cause early-onset dementia.

Health experts in the US β€” where nearly 8,000 children were injected with the therapy between the 1960s and 1980s β€” now fear cases may have gone undetected on this side of the Atlantic.

The shots were administered to abnormally short children as young as four between 1959 and 1985.

They contained human growth hormone (HGH) that had been harvested from the pituitary glands of cadavers to help spur their growth.

The technique was then banned and doctors instead used synthetic hormones after it emerged that some batches were contaminated with prions that led to a fatal and incurable brain disorder called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). CJD itself is closely related to ‘mad cow’ disease.

Academics now believe other medical and surgical procedures might carry a risk of spreading Alzheimer’s as prions β€” which accumulate in the brain and kill neurons β€”can survive hospital sterilization methods.

As prions accumulate in the brain, the plaque deposits may appear in the brain. Abnormal build-ups of proteins in and around neurons is thought to be what causes Alzheimer’s.

Research Credit: Snowman

One Response to “Nearly 8,000 Americans Received Injection that Can Cause Alzheimer’s”

  1. Snowman says:

    Giving growth hormone from cadavers to kids is horrid. There have been 7,700 child victims in the US and 27,000 worldwide. Did the kids or their parents know where the growth hormone was coming from? It’s extracted from the pituitary gland, which sits at the base of the brain. Do scientists know everything the pituitary gland does and every effect that growth hormone has on the body? I don’t think so. I wonder if all those dead people donated their bodies to science. I think I will revert to un-donating, if this is what they might use me for.

    And then there are the fetal cells in Covid vaccines. That also is horrid. How did killing unborn babies happen to get so popular over the last several years? Was it, at least in part, so the supply of cells for the mad scientists to experiment with would be assured? And we’re told that they’ll be used in more vaccines as science figures out how. It used to be that a person had to volunteer to donate his body to science, but babies don’t get that choice. They don’t even get a proper burial. It also used to be that a person had to be told everything about what he was going to be injected with, at least if he asked, but now even his doctor doesn’t know.

    And now — “Scientists develop mini brains made out of aborted fetuses that could ‘revolutionize neuroscience’.” I get too upset to read farther. I imagine they’ll justify this horror with assertions such as, “We’re going to figure out how to use baby brain tissue to cure the Alzheimer’s that the cadaver growth hormones gave to the kids! So no worries! We are such [evil] geniuses!”

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