New York: Orthodox Jews Dig Illegal Tunnel Under Synagogue, Riot to Prevent City from Filling It with Cement
January 9th, 2024Any guesses on this one?!?!?
Via: Daily Mail:
Wild scenes broke out on Monday at a synagogue in Brooklyn, after construction workers arrived to fill in an illegally-dug tunnel that was being used by young Orthodox Jewish men in an attempt to link the building to a nearby ritual bath.
The chaos erupted at the Chabad Lubavitch global headquarters in Crown Heights.
In December, the rabbi discovered youths had dug tunnels beneath the building to access another property on the same street.
It remains unclear why the young men are so attached to the property they were accessing illegally – they have for years been at loggerheads with the synagogue over who owns the main property, but the appeal of the ritual bath or mikvah is unclear.
When cement diggers and construction crews showed up last night to fill the tunnel, the young men protested, throwing themselves in the way to block their efforts.
It took the NYPD to forcibly remove them. Videos of the incident were later shared on social media.
Twelve people were arrested and remain in custody. They are yet to be identified.
More: Chaos In 770 After Attempt Made To Close The Tunnel Under 770
Research Credit: Nebraska
I’ve seen plenty of speculation about child sex trafficing etc..
BUT it could be MUCH worse:
“Chabad Lubavitch global headquarters” = Ultra orthodox still dressing according to the Talmud/Torah.
Do you think it’s the only practice they observe from their ancient “holy” book?
Look up the term “Qorbanot…
Reader’s comment at Daily Mail link:
“This is all highly unorthodox.”
Footage of the tunnel and access:
Here’s an explanation of what was going on (and the site where I found the link above):
FWIW, IMO, Chabad adherents suffer from collective cognitive dissonance. For further insight:
Text description and photos of Orthodox Jewish chicken sacrifices, Sept., 2023, NYC.
Look the pics over yourself before showing them to children, esp kids you are encouraging to be kind to animals. The streets are literally running with blood. I’ve seen pics from other years, and these don’t show the worst.
Read all the text first, too, since some of the verbal descriptions are graphic. I had to stop reading.
Speaking of mikvaot and cognitive dissonance: