Former Police Detective Reveals 50% of SIDS Cases Happened Within 48 Hours Post Vaccine

September 27th, 2023

I could be wrong about the exact year, but I think I heard Jon Rappoport talking about this on Roy Tuckman’s Something’s Happening late night radio show… Back around 1994.

The link between vaccines and SIDS has been known, and officially unacknowledged, for a very long time.

Via: Steve Kirsch:

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) happens to babies, from 1 month to 1 year in age, but most frequently between 2 and 4 months of age.

Recently I interviewed a former police detective who handled over 250 SIDS cases for a major US city. She revealed her full name and I was able to independently verify her employment at the police department.

In the interview, she revealed that 50% of the SIDS cases happened within 48 hours after a vaccine was given and about 70% of the cases happened within one week of a vaccine.

This can only mean one thing: that the childhood vaccines are the leading cause of SIDS deaths.

There is no other explanation.

Even her pediatrician acknowledged this, but they aren’t allowed to talk about it. She said that the American Academy of Pediatrics trains the pediatricians in how to gaslight parents who seek to blame the vaccine.

Research Credit: pookie

One Response to “Former Police Detective Reveals 50% of SIDS Cases Happened Within 48 Hours Post Vaccine”

  1. Loveandlight says:

    My first serious clue that these vaccines were bad news was when a co-worker told me that her sister’s ex-husband died within forty-eight hours of taking the second dose of the mRNA Covid vaccine. And do you know what happens when I tell normies about this? They say, “Take it anyway.” George Orwell wasn’t kidding when he said through the character of O’Brien in the novel 1984 “Men are infinitely malleable.” (Keep in mind that back then, it was a commonplace to say “men” when one meant “people”.)

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