5 Malaria Cases in Florida and Texas Were Acquired Locally, CDC Warns

June 28th, 2023

2021: Genetically modified mosquitoes were just released in the US for the first time, thanks to a biotech firm funded by Bill Gates:

The Bill Gates-backed biotech firm Oxitec is going ahead with plans to release hundreds of millions of gene-altered mosquitos in Florida in order to test an experimental new form of population control, the company confirmed in a press release. The initial batch of mosquitoes was released this week.

The controversial project, conducted as part of a partnership between the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) and Oxitec, will see six locations in the region host Oxitec’s gene-hacked male Aedes aegypti mosquitos over the next few months.

Oxitec — which announced a collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2018 — says the new tests could help to greatly reduce populations of the mosquito breed, which is responsible for spreading diseases such as dengue and malaria.

Via: LiveScience:

The mosquito-borne illness malaria has sickened five U.S. residents with no recent travel history, meaning they caught the disease locally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned Monday (June 26).

Before these cases, locally acquired mosquito-borne malaria had not been reported in the U.S. for 20 years, since 2003 when eight people in Palm Beach County, Florida caught the disease, according to the CDC health advisory.

The five recent cases took place within the past two months. Four happened in “close geographic proximity” in Sarasota County, Florida. The remaining case was in Cameron County, Texas, the Texas Department of State Health Services reported. The CDC advisory notes that the cases were “mosquito-transmitted,” meaning those affected got malaria from mosquito bites, which is the most common way of catching the disease.

Research Credit: RP

4 Responses to “5 Malaria Cases in Florida and Texas Were Acquired Locally, CDC Warns”

  1. Snowman says:

    GE mosquitoes were released in at least 3 places in the US 3 years prior to the publication of the following article in 2019:

    “We evaluated the effect of releases of Wolbachia infected Ae. aegypti males on populations of wild Ae. aegypti in the metropolitan area of HOUSTON, TX… The results we observed were very similar to observations made by others in MIAMI, FL and in FRESNO, CA… WIM were released at several points inside the treatment area three times a week during JUNE 17th–AUGUST 28th, 2019.” (1)

    Methods of releasing the mosquitoes were still in the planning stages back in 2013:

    “A major challenge is to devise effective means to introduce engineered bacteria into field mosquito populations. This may be accomplished by placing [GE mosquitoes] around villages, baiting stations… However, no experimental evidence for the effectiveness of such approach is presently available. Moreover, for future use in the field, the effector genes need to be integrated into the bacterial genome to avoid gene loss and also to minimize the risk of horizontal transgene transfer.” (2)

    “Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is the movement of genetic information between organisms, a process that includes the spread of antibiotic resistance genes among bacteria, fueling pathogen evolution. Many resistance genes evolved long ago in natural environments with no anthropogenic influence but these genes are now rapidly spreading to and among human pathogens.” (3)

    That is to say, when a GE mosquito bites you, the diseases it carries may have evolved among mosquitoes to the point where they will not only infect you but will be resistant to the antibiotics you take to try to cure yourself. And if a non-GE mosquito bites you afterward, she’ll transfer the antibiotic-resistant disease to the next person she bites. Sounds to me like mosquitoes have been weaponized.

    From the 2013 article again: “A major challenge for ultimate implementation will be to obtain the required approval from regulatory agencies and from the local population.” (3)

    Gee, I think it’s the regulatory agencies in the fed govt that funded this research and its applications to human populations. And I don’t find any evidence that the people in TX or FL or CA were asked if they would volunteer for this experimental GE mosquito release, or that those saying no were somehow kept from being bitten.

    By the way, this sort of experimentation has been going on in Africa for even longer. Some people have concluded that AIDS resulted from experimentation, supposedly to cure some STD, on Africans.

    (1) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36374939/
    (2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3593784/
    (3) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4536854/

  2. NH says:

    Even if there wasn’t ill intent from psycho billionaires–the complexity of genetic engineering without serious unintended consequences is off the charts.

    Snowman, nice info—the second research study link from 10 years ago you provided gets down into some pretty good technical detail. Give brilliant specialist scientists their due, but how much more knowledge/understanding would they really need to have to safely move forward with these strategies–10x, 100x?

  3. Snowman says:

    I think the sort of training the scientists who do this kind of work and the ego-massaging encouragement they get subsequently from their employers overrides and eventually precludes any doubts they may have about the overall-positive nature of their work. Surely there are some mad scientists among them, but most are otherwise-nice guys who have been deluded into discounting all possible negative outcomes. They are shooting for the stars, saving all mankind, believing in the BS that Bill G and his cronies spout. It’s the same as the blind trust in the authorities shown by the MD’s who willingly got the Covid shots. As with Covid, when they see people dying from their innovations, they will begin to question those authorities and realize they’ve been brainwashed. Then — a second Scientific Revolution?

  4. Snowman says:

    Just saw this —

    “Senior American journalist William Blum has reported,

    “ ‘In 1956 and 1958, declassified documents have revealed that the US army loosed swarms of specially bred mosquitoes in Georgia and Florida to see whether disease carrying insects could be weapons in a biological war. The mosquitoes bred for the tests were of Aedes Aegypti type, the precise carrier of dengue fever as well as other diseases. In 1967, it was reported by Science magazine that at the US government centre in Fort Detrick, Maryland, dengue fever was amongst those diseases that are at least the object of considerable research and that appear to be among those regarded as potential biological warfare agents.’”


    So, sounds like they were were releasing mosquitoes that were modified somehow to make them identifiable among the indigenous South FL hordes way back in the 1950’s, not just thinking about how it might be done in 2013. I notice that the reports of these experiments were classified — maybe the 2013 researchers didn’t know about them?

    I was in South FL in the 1950’s. I remember trucks driving through neighborhoods at night spraying DDT. (I think that’s what it was. It looked like clouds of smoke and smelled bad. They said the spray was harmless to humans. Some people protested, but to no avail.) The spray was supposedly to kill the mosquitoes that had always been a huge annoyance, though I never heard of anyone getting malaria or dengue fever or the like.

    Now I wonder why they would have started spraying when these experiments were being carried out or shortly thereafter. Why kill off your experimental animals? The spraying only lasted for a few years. Why quit so soon? It barely made an impact on the overall mosquito population. And DDT wasn’t banned till 1972.

    Somebody should write a book about this: The Evolution of a Bioweapon. It would be a good representative example of how the medical genocide industry operates.

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