SpaceX Starship Launch Heavily Damaged Launch Platform and Surrounding Facilities

April 24th, 2023

Update: FAA Has Grounded SpaceX Starship Super Heavy Launch Program

Via: CNBC:

As a result of the explosion, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grounded the company’s Starship Super Heavy launch program pending results of a “mishap investigation,” part of standard practice, according to an email from the agency sent to CNBC after the launch. No injuries or public property damage had yet been reported to the agency as of Friday.

I love it. Looks like Wile E. Coyote was in charge.

Via: Alpha Tech:

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One Response to “SpaceX Starship Launch Heavily Damaged Launch Platform and Surrounding Facilities”

  1. NH says:

    Wow, impressive collateral damage. The video said they expected some erosion of the concrete, but thought the pad would stand up to one launch before the water diverter was ready to be installed. Wonder if their worse case scenario for pad erosion encompassed this much damage?

    Certainly, complete failure and explosion of the rocket on the pad is always a possibility, so there’s that as a coulda been worse.

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