Balloon UFO Reality Check
February 15th, 2023You know, I know and Reuters knows that this incident doesn’t involve what most people would associate with the term, “UFO.” So why put something out that can be summarized as: U.S. Shotdown a UFO?
The trickster is winking at us here.
—High-Altitude Object Over Alaska Shot Down By F-22 Jet; CH-47 Helicopters Deployed In Recovery Op
Richard Dolan deals with the cringe inducing stupidity of what the media and government are doing here:
“We see, again and again, how the established powers do everything possible to throw confusion over the subject of UFOs. They have done this from the 1940s, onward, incessantly to the present moment… and they will continue to do this because the fact is the UFO phenomenon is a problem they don’t know how to solve. They don’t have a solution to the genuine UFO phenomenon.”
Via: Richard Dolan: