Iraq to Reopen Notorious Abu Ghraib Prison

January 26th, 2009

Via: USA Today / AP:

Iraq will reopen the notorious Abu Ghraib prison next month, but it’s getting a facelift and a new name, a senior justice official said.

The heavily fortified compound of gray, stonewalled buildings and watchtowers has come to symbolize American abuse of some prisoners captured in Iraq after photos were released showing U.S. soldiers sexually humiliating inmates at the facility.

The scandal stoked support for the insurgency and was one of the biggest setbacks to the U.S. military effort to win the peace in Iraq.

The renovated facility will be called Baghdad’s Central Prison because the name Abu Ghraib has left a “bitter feeling inside Iraqis’ hearts,” deputy Justice Minister Busho Ibrahim said Saturday.

Abu Ghraib, which was a torture center under Saddam Hussein, has been closed since 2006.

The prison will house 3,500 inmates when it reopens in mid-February and will have a capacity for about 15,000 by the end of this year, Ibrahim told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.

The announcement comes as the U.S. military has begun handing over about 15,000 detainees in its custody to the Iraqis under a new security agreement, prompting concern about Iraq’s beleaguered judicial system. The United Nations warned in a recent human rights report about overcrowding and “grave human rights violations” of detainees in Iraqi custody.

“We have crowded prisons and the opening of Baghdad’s Central Prison will help ease the problem,” Ibrahim said.

He said the facility will be operated according to international standards.

Last year, the government said it would turn a section of the 280-acre prison into a museum documenting Saddam’s crimes but not the abuses committed by U.S. guards.

The photos from Abu Ghraib brought another serious stain to America’s reputation after worldwide protests against the March 2003 invasion. They also discredited Washington’s claims that it was trying to build a country based on rule of law and respect for human rights on the wreckage of dictatorship.

In all, 11 U.S. soldiers were convicted of breaking military laws and five others were disciplined.

American authorities implemented a series of reforms in the aftermath, although they still faced complaints about prolonged detentions without charges.

Research Credit: ltcolonelnemo

Posted in Atrocities | Top Of Page

2 Responses to “Iraq to Reopen Notorious Abu Ghraib Prison”

  1. pdugan says:

    They’re going to paint it Obama Blue.

  2. Loveandlight says:

    No, they’re going to paint it bipartisanship purple while the Artist Formerly Known as the Artist Formerly Known as Prince sings “Purple paint, purple payayayaynt…” from a conveniently placed soundstage!

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