Rising Fertilizer Costs Threatening Rice Supplies

April 20th, 2022

Via: Bloomberg:

Soaring fertilizer costs have rice farmers across Asia scaling back their use, a move that threatens harvests of a staple that feeds half of humanity and could lead to a full-blown food crisis if prices aren’t curbed.

From India to Vietnam and the Philippines, prices of crop nutrients crucial to boosting food production have doubled or tripled in the past year alone. Lower fertilizer use may mean a smaller crop. The International Rice Research Institute predicts that yields could drop 10% in the next season, translating to a loss of 36 million tons of rice, or the equivalent of feeding 500 million people.

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Posted in Collapse, Food, War | Top Of Page

One Response to “Rising Fertilizer Costs Threatening Rice Supplies”

  1. quintanus says:

    In addition to farmers not being able to afford planting major grains, there appear to be complex reasons why some cannot ship last year’s crop. Containers are going back empty from North America to Asia but California hay and almond growers somehow aren’t allowed to place filled containers on the ships. https://www.seattletimes.com/business/how-americas-farmers-got-cut-out-of-the-supply-chain/

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