Throw Your Hard Drive Away, Google’s Gdrive Arriving in 2009

January 21st, 2009

Oh sure.

Via: TG Daily:

Gdrive is basically online storage where Google servers have enough capacity to hold the entire contents of your hard drive. It will likely also come with enough brains to do cool tricks now with bigger things down the road – like booting your computer from online drive to load the Google operating system.

Gdrive would scan everything you upload to it, just like Google Desktop – the company’s application that brings the power of its search engine to your desktop (it scans the content of authorized files and folders on your machine).

7 Responses to “Throw Your Hard Drive Away, Google’s Gdrive Arriving in 2009”

  1. Loveandlight says:

    Sorry, I want my personal computer to be personal, that is, something in my possession, not in the control of some big centralized complex.

  2. anothernut says:

    I’m pretty resigned to them knowing/having access to pretty much everything they care to have access to, and just visiting a site like Cryptogon, PrisonPlanet, or GlobalResearch probably puts you on one of their lists, so… I’d probably take advantage of this, if it’s free, for backups at least (you can never have too many backups!).

    “I pledge not to talk about the fact that the Fourth Amendment is on life-support and not expected to last the night…”

  3. cryingfreeman says:

    Anything to make life easier for Big Brother. After all, only “terrorists” have something to hide.

  4. dermot says:

    No, thanks.

    Are people that crazy?

  5. Larry Glick says:

    I hope they have fun and waste thousands of NSA mainframe hours de-crypting my 128 bit encrypted files consisting of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and Webster’s Dictionary. Oops! Hope the word “jihad” is not in Grimm’s or Webster’s!

  6. anothernut says:

    @Loveandlight: good luck with that. This is old news:

    Now think how hard MS or Apple would fight if someone from the NSA visited and said we need you embed something in your operating systems that’ll let us… do what we have to do. I don’t think they’d fight very hard. Now, maybe your running linux. But then, what’s in your chipset that you don’t know about?

    Like I said, I’ve pretty much given up on privacy in this society. If they want to know, they’ll find out. Do what you believe in, and meet the fascists with a clear conscience. I hear torture hurts less that way.

  7. Loveandlight says:


    I wasn’t thinking so much of the privacy issues as just wanting my software and information “stuff” to be my responsibility on my machine. What Google is proposing seems like it would give them control of what I can and can’t have in terms of how I use my computer. Though come to think of it, without the Internet, a computer to me is just a very fancy typewriter that can also play music and movies.

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