m o d e r n i t y 7

March 3rd, 2022

To the mailbag again.

Someone asked me what I thought about the Ukraine situation. I wrote back:

There are no protagonists here. NATO is a street gang. Putin, and his circle of oligarch kleptocrats, who have plundered Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union, are another street gang. The crooks running Ukraine represent yet another street gang, with sponsorship from NATO. The crooks running Belarus are, yep, you guessed it, a wholly owned subsidiary of Putin Enterprises.

It’s like asking me, “What do I think of the Crips and the Bloods?” And the answer would be the same: I think a lot of innocent people are going to die.

What does “a lot” mean? Besides thousands or tens of thousands or more dead in Ukraine from the war itself, we could have wide ranging spill over effects. I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw anything from severe energy and food supply disruptions to the exchange of nuclear weapons. The sky’s the limit!

Have a nice day.

Like Paul Watson, in the video below, I also find it astonishing how quickly the Mighty Wurlitzer switched the channel from COVID-19 to Ukraine, and turned the volume up to 11. Just as people were starting to figure out what had been done to them over the last two years…

Via: Paul Joseph Watson:

2 Responses to “m o d e r n i t y 7”

  1. NH says:

    The gang/faction/tribe does seem to be a useful way to look at it.

    For a balance to this:


    Try American Andrei Martyanov–he has written several books on the Russian military and does 2 or 3 video updates per week:


  2. dale says:

    That’s about as concise as it gets. Same with the toons. Slipping into darkness.

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