Obama to Defend Telco Spy Immunity

January 20th, 2009

Via: Wired:

The incoming Obama administration will vigorously defend congressional legislation immunizing U.S. telecommunication companies from lawsuits about their participation in the Bush administration’s domestic spy program.

That was the assessment Thursday by Eric Holder, President-elect Barack Obama’s choice for attorney general, who made the statement during his confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. A court challenge questioning the legality of the legislation is pending in U.S. District Court in San Francisco — where the judge in the case wanted to know what the Obama administration’s position was.

“The duty of the Justice Department is to defend statutes that have been passed by Congress,” Holder told Sen. Orin Hatch (R-Utah), who asked whether the Obama administration would continue the legal fight to uphold the legislation that the Electronic Frontier Foundation is seeking to overturn.

“Unless there are compelling reasons, I don’t think we would reverse course,” Holder added.

At a San Francisco hearing in EFF’s case last month, U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker wondered aloud whether the incoming Obama administration would continue to defend the legislation, which passed in July. Obama opposed immunity but voted for it because it was included in a new spy bill that gave the Bush administration broad warrantless-surveillance powers.

2 Responses to “Obama to Defend Telco Spy Immunity”

  1. Eileen says:

    Crap. I guess this means that in good conscience I should not subscribe to the half price Verizon broadband access versus Earthlink and Comcast.
    Come to think of it most web providers in the U.S. are undercover agents for one black box spying agency of the U.S.government or another and all of you spying morons can all kiss my ass. Want to read the results from my latest gynie exam? Sure you would like to you morons, but my health care providers don’t exactly want that to be common knowledge and folklore. I don’t exactly what to share the story about the aliens that buggered me in the nightime so long ago and the germs that I am now a carrier for in the human race.
    I call it the LOve Bug.
    You stupid shit morons.
    If you are so stupid to read this website and then send acinine emails because you think it is stupid go get a blow job on 14th street to relieve yourselves. That is, if you know what a blow job is.

  2. Loveandlight says:

    That is, if you know what a blow job is.

    Hey, I’ve blown a job or two in my time!


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