Gaza ‘Looks Like Earthquake Zone’

January 20th, 2009

Via: BBC:

The worst-hit areas in the Gaza Strip after Israel’s three-week offensive look as if they have been hit by a strong earthquake, aid agencies say.

Correspondents in Gaza City say entire neighbourhoods have been flattened and bodies are still being recovered.

The UN says it is still sheltering at least 35,000 Palestinians while 400,000 people are without running water.

Israel says it will allow 143 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid into Gaza plus 60,000 litres of fuel.

Israel launched its offensive on 27 December to stop Hamas militants firing rockets into Israel.

Palestinian medical sources say at least 1,300 Palestinians were killed and 5,500 injured during the conflict. Thirteen Israelis were killed.

Posted in Atrocities, War | Top Of Page

2 Responses to “Gaza ‘Looks Like Earthquake Zone’”

  1. Eileen says:

    in honor of my grandmother who immigrated to the us at the age of seventeen and was sponsored by a family in the U.S. because she was a “great noodle maker” I just don’t get it re Gaza. Grandma’s land in Slovakia was overrun by the Hungarians and everyone who could in her time left Dodge on boats for America.
    What is it with the Israeli’s ? Are they on another crusade from like the Crusades of the 16th century, or what?
    The Turner Movie Classic channel showed the movie Exodus recently. Quite disturbing to see a displaced people finding solace in taking over another peoples land. Shit, why not, these dumb sand niggers, supposedly, didn’t appreciate the land they owned and had lived on for generations.
    How many examples does this species of the human race need before they understand that invasion and land grabbing doesn’t ever work?
    British in India,
    U.S im Vietnam
    U.S. in Columbia, Nicaragua, Bolivia, (anywhere in South America)
    U.S. in Iraq, Afghanistan,
    U.S. in blah, blah, blah.
    Time to withdraw U.S. taxpayer dollars from supporting genocidal land grabs. Think so? I do!

  2. eyelight says:

    Gaza already disappearing out of the news headlines.
    Move on…
    “Nothing to see here” say the Israeli media handlers worldwide.

    The UN chief says he’s outraged, but this will pass.
    Israel and it’s vocal defenders are immune to all criticism, blind to any suffering but their own, and to even bring this up is to be labeled an “anti-Semite”, or even a “self-hating Jew” if you happen to be Jewish.

    Israel using Holocaust guilt to continue Gaza op, says British Jewish MP

    A British lawmaker declared Thursday that Israel was taking advantage of the guilt many non-Jews feel over the Holocaust to ruthlessly press ahead with its offensive against Hamas in Gaza.

    Gerald Kaufman, a governing Labour Party legislator, sharply criticized Israel in a House of Commons debate on Gaza, arguing that the Jewish state has exploited guilt that much of the world feels for having ignored the slaughter of six million of Jews during World War II.

    "The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploit the continuing guilt from Gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians," he said.

    The offensive started in response to Hamas rocket attacks on Israeli cities. Medical officials in Gaza have said about 1,100 Palestinians have been killed since the offensive started. Thirteen Israelis have been killed in the fighting, including three civilians who were slain in rocket attacks on southern Israel.

    Kaufman, a frequent critic of Israel who was raised as an Orthodox Jew, commented on the claim that large numbers of the Palestinian victims were militants. "I suppose the Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as militants," he said.

    Kaufman urged the British government to impose an arms embargo on Israel.

    "My grandmother was ill in bed when the Nazis came to her home town…. A
    German soldier shot her dead in her bed, he said. My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza," the MP said.

    Mr. Kaufman really got the Zionist machine in a tizzy.
    Now the Simon Wiesenthal Center are accusing him of delegitimizing Israel.
    Can’t have any Jews going off message now can we?

    Kaufman, a frequent Israel critic who was raised as an Orthodox Jew, blasted Israel in a debate last week and urged the British government to impose an arms embargo on Israel.

    "The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians," he said.

    Last week, a senior Yad Vashem official said that the continued usage of Nazi imagery in worldwide anti-Israel rallies and violent protests against the Gaza operation was intended both to allay European guilt over the Holocaust and to deny the legitimacy of the State of Israel.

    "By accusing us of being Nazi-like, Europeans alleviate some of their own feelings of guilt and responsibility for the Holocaust," said Dr. Robert Rozett, director of the Yad Vashem Libraries. "Moreover, by saying that the Jews are acting like Nazis, they are delegitimizing the very existence of the State of Israel."

    The article continues however…
    Meanwhile, the Jerusalem Holocaust memorial will host three dozen diplomats from 30 countries on Monday at a cornerstone-laying ceremony for the new International Seminars Wing of the International School for Holocaust Studies.
    The school, which was established in 1993, hosts hundreds of educators from around the world every year for seminars on Holocaust education.

    Got to keep pushing that "Holocaust education" above all else. As I read on another forum
    The ‘holocaust’ is our only fully accepted European religion today. This, the only god that must not be blasphemed against, is in our face all the time so that the Zionists can carry out their crimes with a minimum of opposition (everyone is terrified of being called an anti-semite). If the public promotion of the ‘holocaust’ was all about preventing the occurrence of genocide, then who could be against it….but we participate in genocide, don’t we?… it can’t be about that.

    Giovanni della Porta was on to something when he said…
    I expressed disgust with the Holocaust industry, the Holocaust as gag, the Holocaust as blindfold, the Holocaust that excuses and enables all actions by Israel and finally, __the fact that it’s the capital "H" holocaust that’s continually foisted upon the world as more important than any other genocide.

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