Bush Declares a State of Emergency for Obama Inauguration

January 14th, 2009

Via: CBS News:

President Bush today declared an emergency in Washington, DC in preparation for the Obama inauguration.

By declaring an emergency, Mr. Bush opened the door for D.C. to get additional Federal funding to deal with the unique challenges that will accompany the influx, reports CBSNews.com’s Brian Montopoli.

An emergency declaration doesn’t mean that a dangerous event has been identified or is expected to occur.

Federal authorities hope the new tip-sharing system overcomes a drawback of another version, which lets police report their suspicions to the FBI but doesn’t allow officers to search the system for similar patterns in other jurisdictions.

The program “will allow all law enforcement to share threats and suspicious activity and hopefully prevent a terrorist attack,” said FBI supervisor Gerald Rogero, in Washington.

3 Responses to “Bush Declares a State of Emergency for Obama Inauguration”

  1. tranquil says:

    This article is horrible. It’s conflating two totally separate issues into one article, going back and forth between the two. I doubt the author could even submit this to a introductory journalism class (would be a fun experiment).

    So basically the article also says it’s launching yet another way to spy on citizens (FBI is supposedly only to act domestically). But now it’s new improved so your neighbor can report your thought crimes:

    “Officials say they are getting as many as 1,000 tips a day from the public… Federal officials say there is a vetting process already in place to check the accuracy of the information put into the system. Users are trained in civil liberties protections.”

    Whew, I was worried for a second.

  2. Eileen says:

    This headline sounds like something from the Onion. I don’t read it much into the jazz that Obama is in danger (which he most certainly will be for the rest of his life just because there are so many stinkpot whackos that hate everything he is and stands for). I see this is as one last chop along side the head by Bush, Chertoff, Cheney and all of the perps of the seemingly neverending TERRORISM story writing the hopefully final chapter in their freaking dirty snuff book. They can’t help it. They want us to never stop being afraid, very afraid, of something they don’t even know we should be afraid of.
    Bush and Co (in the words of the Talking Heads) STOPPED MAKING SENSE to me eight long years ago when they gave the Supreme Court their pleading, “stop counting votes in Florida.” The rest of this mayhem and MADNESS will most likely take the rest of my life left on earth to detox from my body, soul, and spirit.
    It is by the way, awesome stress relief to have the Onion post to your mailbox every day.

  3. dale says:

    Inaugurated in a state of emergency?
    – it just don’t get more symbolic than that.

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