Crook Hands Out Presidential Medals of Freedom to a Bunch of Other Crooks

January 14th, 2009

It’s not the Onion.

Via: CNN:

Three former wartime allies were reunited at the White House for one last time on Tuesday when President George W. Bush awarded America’s top civilian honor to the former prime ministers of Britain and Australia.

In his last days in office Bush presented Tony Blair and John Howard with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, hailing them as “the sort of guys who look you in the eye, keep their word, and tell the truth.” Colombia’s President Alvaro Uribe also received the award.

Bush called each of them “a true friend of the United States who met historic challenges with great tenacity and who provides a lasting example of statesmanship at home and abroad.”

4 Responses to “Crook Hands Out Presidential Medals of Freedom to a Bunch of Other Crooks”

  1. tochigi says:

    “Presidential Medals of Freedom”:
    “These medals testify that you, like me, are heinous was criminals who would be swinging from gallows if this was 1946 and we were on the losing side!”
    “But just remember this, we won! We bombed them back to the Stone Age! Ain’t that great! And so we get these nifty medals instead.”
    “Tony, Jonny, remember, it doesn’t matter how many people we kill or how many countries we destroy, as long as we WIN!”

  2. Eileen says:

    Don’t these guys ever get tired of participating in their circle jerks? Imagine what goes on behind the scenes if they are so publicly salivating over and humping on each other?
    Sorry, didn’t mean to nauseate you.
    I guess you get the Presidential Medals of Freedom from Bush II if you can stack the bodies left by his policies and his enablers like cordwood. If your pile of dead ones is yeh high, yup, its like brush on the ranch. You rock. You get my effing medal. Uh, and now Tony is blabbing about his “attempts” to broker a peace deal re Gaza. Oh comon, Tony Blair has smelt blood and he likes the smell of it. Consider all of his actions forthwith – he likes the smell of blood. Moron, satanic, Illumanti sycophant.
    Howard, he too way down under for me to follow. But from what I’ve read he’s another blood sniffer.
    Next thing you know we’ll be reading about the pair of them in the National Enquirer. Snuffing virgins.

  3. Eileen says:

    I didn’t quite finish my last post correctly.
    It should have said:
    Next thing you know we’ll be reading about the TRIO of Bush, Blair and Howard in the National Enquirer. They’ll be caught in a sting operation of snuffing virgins after drawing first BLOOD.
    You know I hate to write shit like that. Can somebody please turn on the lights? It has been nothing but darkness and disaster for these last 8 years. Its no effing wonder that entire universe isn’t suffering from a vitamin d3 deficiency. ITS NOT JUST ME.

  4. Eileen says:

    One Last cleansing post:

    The Great Invocation

    From the point of Light within the Mind of God
    Let light stream forth into the minds of men (and women).
    Let light descend on Earth.

    From the point of Love with the Heart of God
    Let love stream forth into the hearts of men (and women)
    May Christ (Buddha, Vishna and other Great Ones) return to Earth.
    From the centre where the Will of God is known
    Let purpose guide the little wills of men (and women)
    The purpose which the (good) Masters know and serve.
    From the center which we call the race of men (humans)
    Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
    And may it seal the door where evil dwells (forever).
    Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
    Alice Bailey 1934
    Esoteric Astrology
    Parantheses added

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