Obama’s Neocon Dinner

January 14th, 2009

Here’s yet another one for the Yes-We-Can-KoolAid-Cult to forget about, or simply ignore in the first place.

Via: Yahoo / McClatchy:

This could ruin their reputation: President-elect Barack Obama Tuesday evening attending a dinner party at the home of conservative columnist George Will, attended by fellow conservatives William Kristol and David Brooks.

The press pool following the president-elect reported that he left his temporary home at Washington’s Hay-Adams hotel Tuesday evening and arrived a short time later at Will’s home in the Maryland suburbs. A press pool photographer shot a photo of Kristol, an editor of the Weekly Standard, and Brooks, a columnist at the New York Times.

No other scribes noted.

One Response to “Obama’s Neocon Dinner”

  1. anothernut says:

    But Kevin, he’s being fair and balanced…! He’s a peace-maker, as in “blessed are the peace makers”. This is absolutely NOTHING like Neville Chamberlain kissing Hitler’s ass…

    I really do feel bad for the people who not only voted for Obama, but put an incredible amount of emotional investment into thinking he was the closest thing to Jesus they were going to see in their lifetime — political water into wine, etc. (This includes most of my family and friends.) Awesome testament, tho, to the power of the need to believe — despite all the facts that should have shot that belief down.

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