Scientists Grew Stem Cell ‘Mini Brains’. Then, The Brains Sort-of Developed Eyes

August 18th, 2021

Via: ScienceAlert:

Mini brains grown in a lab from stem cells have spontaneously developed rudimentary eye structures, scientists report in a fascinating new paper.

On tiny, human-derived brain organoids grown in dishes, two bilaterally symmetrical optic cups were seen to grow, mirroring the development of eye structures in human embryos.

The team hopes to develop strategies for keeping these structures viable on longer time-scales for performing more in-depth research with huge potential, the researchers said.

2 Responses to “Scientists Grew Stem Cell ‘Mini Brains’. Then, The Brains Sort-of Developed Eyes”

  1. rotger says:

    I hope no soul gets trapped in those mini brain.

  2. Dennis says:

    Wow. Similar thoughts have crossed my mind when it comes to the potential for using organic neural tissue to interface with computer networks.

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