Pelosi’s Trading Activity

July 21st, 2021

Via: Unusual Whales:

Due to the interest in Pelosi’s trading after her NVDA, AAPL, and AMZN trades after releasing options, Mr. Whale thought it best to simply just show all her trades in one place.

In the House and the Senate reports Mr. Whale showed that both parties, no matter their allegiance, seem to be trading and often legislating to benefit their own positions.

Pelosi, or rather her spouse, seems no different. Here are one year returns for Pelosi at the current date, in her stocks and options positions.

So far, Pelosi’s family has done very well trading over the last year.

Her one year returns for her stocks is 45.59%, and her option returns are 66.7%.

This is pretty incredible, for an average return of her stocks and options is 56.15%. The S&P, with its raucous best performing year, is only up 36% from last June.

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One Response to “Pelosi’s Trading Activity”

  1. Loveandlight says:

    Trump’s presidency made it clear that Emoluments Clause of the US constitution is pretty much a joke these days. So it’s not exactly shocking that the same principle is at work all the way down the government ladder.

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