Millions of Hungry Americans Turn to Food Banks for First Time

December 7th, 2020

After decades of fraud, corruption and war, U.S. politicians are using a flu-like illness to blow out America’s remaining support columns and collapse the country into its own footprint.

Now, facing a government caused famine, the bewildered victims, fumbling with their masks, line up by the millions to receive food handouts in order to survive.

I wonder…

In the weeks and months ahead, will people need to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to receive their food rations?

The vaccination won’t be mandatory, of course, but with the economy collapsed and fewer ways to earn money…

Via: PBS:

Hunger is a harsh reality in the richest country in the world. Even during times of prosperity, schools hand out millions of hot meals a day to children, and desperate elderly Americans are sometimes forced to choose between medicine and food.

Now, in the pandemic of 2020, with illness, job loss and business closures, millions more Americans are worried about empty refrigerators and barren cupboards. Food banks are doling out meals at a rapid pace and an Associated Press data analysis found a sharp rise in the amount of food distributed compared with last year. Meanwhile, some folks are skipping meals so their children can eat and others are depending on cheap food that lacks nutrition.

Those fighting hunger say they’ve never seen anything like this in America, even during the Great Recession of 2007-2009.

Related: “Would you be willing to get a Covid vaccine in exchange for a $1,500 stimulus check?”

One Response to “Millions of Hungry Americans Turn to Food Banks for First Time”

  1. anothernut says:

    That is the perfect way we doing things in this country (said the American): we don’t censor speech at the governmental level — that would be like the Soviet Union! — we do it through CIA-controlled “non-governmental” agencies, i.e., the MSM, twitter, etc.

    And we won’t tell you you HAVE to take the vaccine — that would be fascism! — you just wont be able to

    if you DON’T get the vaccine. Your choice!

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