“Great Reset” Mastermind Suggests Risk Assessment “Brain Scans” Before Allowing Travel

November 19th, 2020

Via: Summit News:

“Great Reset” mastermind Klaus Schwab suggests a number of draconian measures for controlling the population under the umbrella of the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’, including risk-assessment brain scans to cross borders and implantable chips to read people’s thoughts.

The globalist also goes beyond merely the mandating of vaccine certificates to travel, suggesting that, “Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.”

He also makes clear that implantable microchips will be the cornerstone of a transhumanist agenda that will merge man with machine.

“Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains,” he writes.

“Active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies” will “change how we interface with the world” and force us “to question what it means to be human,” according to Schwab.

Such technology could also facilitate the expression of “potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals,” according to Schwab.

Schwab suggests that the population could be encouraged to adopt brain-reading chips as part of a business model that involves someone “trading access to his or her thoughts for the time-saving option of typing a social media post by thought alone.”

Related: Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset

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