Michigan College Requires Students to Stay Within 5 Miles of Campus or Face Suspension, Tracks Them by App

August 18th, 2020

Crazier by the day.

Via: Newsweek:

Michigan’s Albion College is attempting to create a “COVID bubble” on its campus as students return for the fall semester.

Students are being required to download a smartphone app that tracks their location and ongoing health data to help contain the spread of the virus on campus, according to The Washington Free Beacon. The app will notify the school’s administration if a student leaves the campus’s bubble.

For the entire first semester, students must stay within the campus’s 4.5-mile perimeter or risk temporary suspension. Members of the campus staff, however, are allowed to leave the bubble.

The liberal arts college is planning to offer only in-person learning when classes resume in September. Students who do not comply with the school’s contact tracing program will need to defer the semester.

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