1994 National Weather Service UFO Tapes: ‘My God, What Is This?’

August 17th, 2020

I’d never heard of this one.

Via: It’s [redacted]:

Posted in [???], UFOs | Top Of Page

One Response to “1994 National Weather Service UFO Tapes: ‘My God, What Is This?’”

  1. anothernut says:

    Here’s a thought (it just occurred to me): what if all the mind-fuckery over the last (take your pick — 5, 10, 25, 50,..) years has really been designed not to make people believe the official story, but instead, ultimately, to doubt any story that comes directly or indirectly (i.e., through the media) from official sources. And the purpose of this: TPTB know that eventually ET’s will make their presence known, and there’s nothing TPTB can do to stop it; but perhaps they can instill in the massed such fundamental disbelief that when the ET’s do appear, their appearance won’t be believed. Why would they do this? Well, if the ET’s are benevolent, it would make it much harder for people to accept any aid they might offer if those people thought the aid, and the ET’s, were a trap.

    Just a thought…

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