‘Breadlines’ Erupt Across America As Lockdowns Crush America’s “Working Poor”

April 11th, 2020

Via: ZeroHedge:

The economy has crashed into a depression, 16.78 million Americans have applied for unemployment benefits, and consumer sentiment crashed the most on record. This American horror story has taken only three weeks to play out, the fastest and most severe economic crash in the country’s history, and still, we don’t know the true extent of the damage until the second half of the year.

However, the one thing we do know is that food bank networks across the country have reported unprecedented demand as a hunger crisis unfolds.

One Response to “‘Breadlines’ Erupt Across America As Lockdowns Crush America’s “Working Poor””

  1. tm says:

    And naturally, most of the comments at ZH are along the lines of “bunch of fat lazy bums who don’t save their money!”.

    When you are on the brink of the biggest, widespread economic calamity in history, you really shouldn’t be throwing rocks from inside glass houses.

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