Pay to Upgrade DRM Infested Music Files to Open Format

April 4th, 2007

I thought this was a lingering April Fool’s joke. Pay extra to get the music files the way they should have been released in the first place?

Tell me another one.

Via: The Inquirer:

Apple and EMI triumphantly announced that they were removing DRM from Apple tracks for a mere $.30 more, upgradable if you got the old tracks. They are also giving it to you at a higher bit rate, 256Kbps instead of the older 128. Sounds good on the surface.

The problem is they snowed you, there is no removal of anything, this is a completely different product. The older ones remain totally DRM infected, cost the same, and if you bought them, you are just as locked in as you were, unless you tithe more.

The content mafiaa distracted you with a shiny thing, and sold you back the rights they had no standing to take in the first place. Readers hate it when I say this, but you are idiots if you bought that line.

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One Response to “Pay to Upgrade DRM Infested Music Files to Open Format”

  1. smith says:

    yeah, I agree. When I saw the pricing I thought “way too much”. They should selling the tracks for nickel a pop. Quick, easy, cheap is the mantra they should be adopting. The music is just promotional material for merchandising(t-shirts, concerts, etc) of the band.

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