Crude Oil Near Six-Month High on Iran’s Capture of U.K. Crew
March 30th, 2007These prices are going to start pounding the U.S. economy.
Via: Bloomberg:
Oil traded near a six-month high as 15 British sailors and marines seized in the Persian Gulf remained in Iranian custody for an eighth day, heightening concern the standoff will threaten oil supplies from the Middle East.
U.K Prime Minister Tony Blair said today Iran would face “continuing isolation” until the servicemen are freed. Iran backed away yesterday from an offer to release Faye Turney, the only woman captured, and said the U.K. must admit violating its territorial waters. Oil has risen 7 percent since Iran seized the group on March 23.
“People are still concerned about the continuity of supply” from Iran, the Middle East’s second-biggest exporter, said Rob Laughlin, a senior broker at Man Financial Ltd. in London. “There is a threat, and it’s two million barrels a day” at stake.
Almost a quarter of the world’s oil flows through the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow waterway between Iran and Oman at the mouth of the Persian Gulf.
“The market is very, very nervous,” said Michael Fitzpatrick, a vice president for energy risk management at Fimat USA in New York. “We’ve had very rapid tightening according to last week’s inventory data, demand is growing, and every other day there’s some refinery glitch or port closure.”
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was…
Propaganda: Did Goebbells Write The Bush Administrations speeches?
From an address to a joint session of the US Congress: President George W. Bush.
“Americans are asking “Why do they hate us?” They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other. ” George W. Bush, 20 September, 2001
From Goebbels’ New Year address to Germany
They hate our people because it is decent, brave, industrious, hardworking and intelligent. They hate our views, our social policies, and our accomplishments. They hate us as a Reich and as a community. They have forced us into a struggle for life and death. We will defend ourselves accordingly. All is clear between us and our enemies. Goebbels 31 December 1939
Richard Perle, policy advisor to G.W. Bush, 2001
“No stages. This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq, then we take a look around and see how things stand. That is entirely the wrong way to go about it … If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don’t try to … piece together clever diplomatic solutions … but just wage a total war against these tyrants, I think we will do very well. Our children will sing great songs about us years from now.” —
– Richard Perle, policy advisor to G.W. Bush, 2001
Joseph Goebbels, 1943
So total war is the demand of the hour. We must put an end to the bourgeois attitude which we have also seen in this war: Wash my back, but don’t get me wet! The danger facing us is enormous. The efforts we take to meet it must be just as enormous. The time has come to remove the gloves! We must use our fists now! There is no excuse for only superficially and carelessly making use of the war potential at home and throughout Europe. We must use the full resources, as quickly and thoroughly as it is organizationally and practically possible. Unnecessary concern is wholly out of place. The future of Europe hangs on our success in the East! We are ready to defend it! The German people are shedding their most valuable blood in this battle. The rest of Europe should at least work to support us. Those who do not understand this fight today will thank us on bended knee tomorrow that we took it!
– Joseph Goebbels, 1943