Defiant U.S. Sheriffs Push Gun Sanctuaries, Imitating Liberals on Immigration

March 4th, 2019

Via: Reuters:

A rapidly growing number of counties in at least four states are declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries, refusing to enforce gun-control laws that they consider to be infringements on the U.S. constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Organizers of the pro-gun sanctuaries admit they took the idea from liberals who have created immigration sanctuaries across the United States where local officials defy the Trump administration’s efforts to enforce tougher immigration laws.

One Response to “Defiant U.S. Sheriffs Push Gun Sanctuaries, Imitating Liberals on Immigration”

  1. dale says:

    Another interesting development. I think sanctuary cities are insane. In how many ways are they illegal from misappropriation of funds to myriad unintended liabilities?

    And yet any defiance of law in an age of tyranny should make one pause. Then comes Second Amendment sanctuaries; I didn’t see that coming. Coopting the format, so to write. Is this an inadvertent rediscovery of jury nullification?

    I remain skeptical. Every direction, every sound byte, every situation seems Hegelian now – like a set up for the next act which I haven’t figured out yet.

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