Trump Bragged On Hot Mic About Being Able To Grope Women
October 7th, 2016I’m trying to understand this Trump situation and the hysterical freakout that’s ensuing in elite and media circles.
Trump could have been vote-frauded into oblivion by now.
Why hasn’t that happened?
My best guess is that the primary purpose of the Donald Trump candidacy—whether he knows it or not—is to escort Hillary to the White House by simply drawing attention away from the Clintons’ life of crime.
Via: CNN:
Donald Trump bragged about trying to have sex with a married woman and being able to grope women in previously unaired footage from 2005 that surfaced on Friday.
Trump is heard discussing women in vulgar terms during off-camera banter during the taping of a segment for “Access Hollywood,” footage which was obtained by The Washington Post.
During the lewd conversation captured by a microphone Trump was wearing on his lapel, Trump recounts how he tried to “fuck” an unidentified married woman before bragging that he is “automatically attracted to beautiful (women)” and just starts “kissing them.” The conversation came just months after Trump married his third and current wife, Melania.
He also said: “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything … Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”
The Podesta Files (e-mails) will be ignored as MSN concentrates on Trump.
I think that the internet is the best thing that ever happened to the Ruling Class even though they complain endlessly about it.
It allows ordinary citizens to vent their anger online rather than vent their anger on the streets.
While I shared your thoughts on Trump’s purpose being to escort Clinton back into the white house by means of distraction I would not rule out other possibilities. Those running the show always have a back-up plan. At this point it could be Hillary helping to get Trump into office.
Or it could just be the old divide and conquer strategy from 2000. I recall friends being so distracted by partisanship in the early aughts that they couldn’t even fathom all of the concurrent military drills of 9/11. Every minute wasted on this “selection process” is a minute more without the guillotine or tar & feathers.
This seems like a Monica Lewinsky smokescreen 4.0 to me. Instead of focusing on the Clinton family stack of crimes a mile high, suddenly a blow-job is the most important thing in American politics.
Controlled opposition is always something to consider, I think Trump’s most redeeming quality is that he made his some of his own money, and has not been a career politician. (His AIPAC speech scared the hell out of me though, you don’t get too far in big time real estate without paying lip-service to a certain people.)
At least he seems to be willing to talk to Russia in a sane manner. Hillary and Obama seem to be doing everything they can to provoke WW3. Our actions in Romania are insane; It seems to me like we are on the other side of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Interesting point Calm, the internet is a double or more edged sword. Information access/distribution is definitely something they don’t want, and piracy is a big thorn in their paw. I’m just curious how far the PRISM stuff really goes back, the internet was a military invention. It’s by far the best surveillance tool they have, but it also is their Achilles heel.
Calvin and Hobbes:
“It used to be that if a client wanted something done in a week, it was considered a rush job, and he’d be lucky to get it. Now, with modems, faxes and car phones, everybody wants everything instantly! Improved technology just increases expectations. These machines don’t make life easier – they make life more harassed.
If we wanted more leisure, we’d invent machines that do things LESS efficiently.”
From 2015:
Report: Bill Clinton May Have Encouraged Donald Trump to Run for President
What if the Clintons were playing chess … against themselves?!
This is from before the primary. Obviously, it’s more now:
$2 Billion Worth of Free Media for Donald Trump
I can’t manage to dredge up any smidgen of outrage at a guy Trump’s age engaging in lewd, boasting talk — it’s just so common among men. And almost every adult woman I know well enough has participated in a form of “girl talk” that is the equivalent of the male swaggering sexual conquest banter. You can bet that every Prez, except for perhaps Jimmy Carter, has done the same. Americans practically revere JFK, and he certainly wasn’t a saint in the Marital Fidelity dept. What frosts my shorts are the self-serving criminals that goober Americans keep on foolishly believing are “serving the public”. How many times did Ted Kennedy get re-elected after killing Mary Jo Kopechne? And the CBC (Clinton Body Count) — these are the things that are appalling and disgusting. Not some foolish talk.
Not that I would vote even if I were in a position to vote in the USSA. Voting encourages the bastards …