Voyager Golden Record: 40th Anniversary Edition

October 1st, 2016

Via: Space:

In 1977, NASA launched two spacecraft that would venture far out into deep space, each carrying a golden record with a message from Earth for any aliens the vessels might encounter. Now, for the first time ever, that record will be available to people on Earth.

A new Kickstarter campaign is making copies of that golden record available to the public. Other than the two copies on NASA’s twin Voyager spacecraft, only 10 copies exist, most of which are on display in NASA facilities. Even Carl Sagan, who led the golden record project, could not get his hands on a copy.

But now, David Pescovitz from the website Boing Boing and Institute for the Future, Timothy Daly of Amoeba Music, and designer Lawrence Azerrad have come together to create near-exact replicas of the gold-plated phonograph records to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Voyager launches. Reserving a copy of the golden record costs $98, but the campaign also offers smaller, Voyager-themed gifts for smaller donations of $10 and up.

Related: Kickstarter: Voyager Golden Record: 40th Anniversary Edition

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