Walmart Raises Suspicions After Closing 5 Stores In Same Day For “Plumbing” Problems

April 20th, 2015

Via: Consumerist:

There are thousands of Walmarts in the U.S., so the fact that five of them were temporarily shut down all on the same day, all for the same reason, and all for the same estimated amount of time, may be statistically insignificant. But some workers and city officials are raising questions about what’s actually behind these six-month shutterings.

The five stores — two in Texas, one in California, one in Oklahoma, and another in Florida — were all closed on Monday without advance notice to shoppers or the thousands of affected employees. At each of the stores, the reason given for the closures — which are estimated to last upwards of six months — was problems with plumbing.

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One Response to “Walmart Raises Suspicions After Closing 5 Stores In Same Day For “Plumbing” Problems”

  1. LoneWolf says:

    Hi Kevin, much has been discovered since 10 days ago. So much intel gathered.


    Even a high stress meeting in Bastrop, TX that essentially was a op intended to downplay Jade Helm and associated ‘training drills’. An extreme amount of military hardware has been in motion as well.

    There can be no doubt that the internal events at Walmart holds the key to the end game of Jade Helm operations. Jade Helm and Walmart are inextricably linked and the existing evidence suggests one of two possible end game probabilities for Jade Helm.

    Authors note:

    In the past four weeks, I have watched over 100 videos on Jade Helm and Walmart. I have performed what researchers call a qualitative, or a descriptive analysis of the available facts. In performing this task, I have looked for patterns among the recent Walmart closings because it is clear that the closings coincide with Jade Helm. This constitutes Phase One of the analysis. In Phase Two, the findings from phase one are correlated to known or strongly suspected events connected to Jade Helm and/or other areas of concern related to national security. Subsequently, this kind of descriptive analysis can yield strong clues as to the true intent of where Jade Helm is headed and what the Walmart role consists of in conjunction with Jade Helm.

    The timing is also of concern. We have heard several times now the IMF is going to announce a new addition to the world reserve currency basket. Many say China has extreme reserves of gold. In theory we might have an event like that of the British Pound taking a back seat to the USD of old.

    Now we will probably see the Federal Reserve notes declining rapidly in value. And the Yuan increasing in value some say over 500%. Thus more riots, social unrest, people losing life savings, prices of most goods (ironically sold by wally world, seeing hyper inflationary pressure.

    Interesting times.

    Texans are very pissed. And the new governor has requested inquiry into the Jade Helm 15 story.

    Live from approximately 30 miles where the Texas Declaration of Independence was signed in 1836.


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