Doctor Dons Ebola Protection Suit to Protest CDC

October 2nd, 2014

I have no idea where this is headed, or how real any of this is, but if you aren’t where you plan on being when the shit hits the fan, you better not wait until everyone else is trying to make it to the exits at the same time as you.

Oh yeah, “Don’t panic.”

Don't Panic

Via: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

Two days after a man in Texas was diagnosed with Ebola, a Missouri doctor Thursday morning showed up at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport dressed in protective gear to protest what he called mismanagement of the crisis by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Gil Mobley checked in and cleared airport security wearing a mask, goggles, gloves, boots and a hooded white jumpsuit emblazoned on the back with the words, “CDC is lying!”

“If they’re not lying, they are grossly incompetent,” said Mobley, a microbiologist and emergency trauma physician from Springfield, Mo.

Mobley said the CDC is “sugar-coating” the risk of the virus spreading in the United States.

“For them to say last week that the likelihood of importing an Ebola case was extremely small was a real bad call,” he said.

“Once this disease consumes every third world country, as surely it will, because they lack the same basic infrastructure as Sierra Leone and Liberia, at that point, we will be importing clusters of Ebola on a daily basis,” Mobley predicted. “That will overwhelm any advanced country’s ability to contain the clusters in isolation and quarantine. That spells bad news.”

Mobley, a Medical College of Georgia graduate who had an overnight layover after flying to Atlanta from Guatemala on Wednesday, said that he feels that the CDC is “asleep at the wheel” when it comes to screening passengers arriving in the United States from other countries.

“Yesterday, I came through international customs at the Atlanta airport,” the doctor told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “The only question they asked arriving passengers is if they had tobacco or alcohol.”

6 Responses to “Doctor Dons Ebola Protection Suit to Protest CDC”

  1. tal says:

    But don’t panic

    Top Doctors: Ebola May Become Airborne … And May ALREADY Be Transmissible Via Aerosols

    Michael T. Osterholm – director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota – wrote in the New York Times last month:

  2. tal says:

    Homeopathic remedies:

    Sicarius; Crotalus; Ebola fever; disseminated intravascular coagulation. Introduction.

    Crotalus Horridus

  3. steve holmes says:

    And so now my move to rural Alaska doesn’t look so hair-brained idiotic after all. I saw thus coming years ago. The political correctness politics that create open borders are the exact reason it has spread and it has now spread enough that it cannot be reeled in. Get used to the inconvienience.

  4. mangrove says:

    MUST WATCH, from Red Pill Revolution. I really think he’s got it down. Whew.

    WTF! Ebola Zombies? Untested Ebola/Rabies Vaccine To Be Unleashed On The Public!? – WAKE UP!

    And here’s an interview with Jon Rappoport on Red Ice Radio, which I haven’t listened to yet, but since he’s been on top of this (and everything vaccine-related), I would expect it will be very much worth people’s time to listen:

    Jon Rappoport – CDC Fraud: Vaccine Autism Link & Ebola

    Myself, I’m ready to move my family to the country at the first sign of a medical martial law lock-down anywhere within a few hundred mile radius. I would expect Dallas or Atlanta to be the first places this could occur. If it does, you can bet your bottom dollar that they’re gonna go BIG on this one, across the entire country.

    The President of the United States: “My fellow Americans, we must unite in our fight against this deadly disease. I’m sorry the economy collapsed, but it wasn’t because of our policies, or those of the Federal Reserve over the last 100 years. EBOLA DID IT. Blame mother nature, motherfuckers. May god bless the United States of America.”

    Will those of us who refuse the vaccine (if made mandatory) be able to live outside the system? Well, I don’t know, but maybe this is where the New Hampshire state motto “Live Free or Die” comes into effect.

    Regarding making it mandatory, I would not be at all surprised that they roll out the vaccine in a way that ties it to either an implanted chip or your new Ebola-free ATM card (to replace that awful germ-laden cash), so that we won’t be able to buy anything until and unless we’ve been vaccinated. Sound like a NWO plan? Yes it does. Yes we can.

  5. mangrove says:

    This is a good summary of Jon Rappoport’s work on this subject, which he calls Ebolagate.

    Ebolagate: 47 questions and answers

    One of my favorites:

    Q: But the US government is buying and distributing hazmat suits. People are being quarantined. There is a hunt for contacts of the Dallas patient. Stories in the press are ramping up fear. All these people couldn’t be wrong, could they?

    A: I have condos for sale on the moon. I think you might be an ideal customer.

  6. tal says:

    Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola?
    Commentary by Steve Hickey PhD, Hilary Roberts PhD, and Damien Downing MBBS, MSB.

    Types of Vitamin C

    Straightforward, low cost ascorbic acid is the preferred form of supplement. Vendors may try to sell you “better absorbed” forms with minerals or salts such as sodium, potassium or calcium ascorbate, and so on. These are irrelevant, if not counterproductive, for high intakes. It is worth noting the following:

    Timing is more important than form. Two large doses of ascorbic acid taken a little time apart are better absorbed than a single dose of mineral ascorbate.
    Mineral ascorbates are salts and do not carry the same number of antioxidant electrons. Ascorbic acid has two electrons to donate while a salt typically has only one. With high doses, the “improved” forms are thus only about half as effective. This is consistent with reports that mineral forms are correspondingly ineffective in combating illness.
    Ascorbic acid is a weak acid, much weaker than the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Mineral ascorbates may be better tolerated, as they make the stomach more alkaline than ascorbic acid. However, an alkaline stomach is not a good idea – there are reasons the body secretes hydrochloric acid into the stomach, including preventing infection. Furthermore, if you are coming down with a haemorrhagic viral infection, mild discomfort will not be something of great concern.
    For high intakes, capsules of ascorbic acid are preferable to tablets. This is because tablets are packed with fillers and it is not wise to take massive doses of these chemicals. Check the ingredients – you want to take ascorbic acid and very little else. Bioflavonoids are alright, and the capsules may be made with gelatine or a vegetarian equivalent.
    The cheapest way to take ascorbic acid is as powder, dissolved in water. If you do this, use a straw to avoid it getting on the tooth enamel, as it is slightly acidic. You will need a set of accurate electronic scales to monitor the dose. If you do not weigh it carefully, it will be difficult to keep close to bowel tolerance.

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