
August 23rd, 2008

I’ve come to view thinking about national elections in the U.S. as a form of mental illness. In order to take the process seriously, you’ve got to check your brain at the door. The willing suspension of disbelief is fine for watching movies, but what should we call it when millions of people do it for something as important as choosing a president? Mass delusion. National suicide. Collapse. Take your pick.

I wasn’t planning on mentioning Obama’s selection of Joe CFR-More-Funding-For-Bush’s-Wars Biden for VP, but something deliciously curious happened when I visited Reddit just now.

Nice touch, don’t you think?

Possibly Related: Reddit Alleged to Have Received FBI National Security Letter Demanding Server Logs

4 Responses to “Biden”

  1. Loveandlight says:

    Yeah, my homepage is set to CNN, and when I see all the headlines about Obama’s VP, I’m like, “Can I read about some real news now please? Britney’s new diet? That’s an improvement, I suppose.”

  2. Zuma says:

    from my trivial and unimportant asides department, this came to mind:

    …the logo from the side of Jim Bronson’s sportster’s gastank in the 70’s TV series ‘Then Came Bronson’.

    TCB: taking care of business? heh heh ehhhh…

    — anyway, biden, eh? not too surprising.

    — it’s going to be a long future. at 54, the rest of my life looms as a drag. i don’t see things clearing to any degree for many decades. and that’s in the most optimistic view. the worst case scenario us something i don’t even want to think about.

  3. anothernut says:

    Gee, Kev, I don’t know what your problems is. Check this out:

    It says “Obama Adds Foreign Expertise to Ticket”. It’s a GOOD thing, says so right in the New York Times! LOL!

    I guess Obama wanted to balance the “invading-Iraq-was-wrong” with an “invading-Iraq-was-right”, because after all, “right and wrong” is very complex, and God forbid the Democrats take a well-defined stand on anything.

    The very best we can hope for is 8 years of good-cop: at least good-cop slaps on some vaseline first. 😉

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