Twilight of the Psychopaths
August 21st, 2008I don’t agree that the pathocracy is in decline, but this is a good read anyway.
Via: The Canadian:
Behind the apparent insanity of contemporary history, is the actual insanity of psychopaths fighting to preserve their disproportionate power.
Related: Political Ponerology by Andrzej M. Lobaczewski
I thought I was the only one who believed there was a psychopathocracy. For myself, I liken it to Riane Eisler’s and Terence McKenna’s notions of the millenias old Dominator Culture. I’d also say alcohol’s inception hastened it.
For more on psychopathy, see Robert D. Hare’s work. His books, ‘Without Conscience’ and ‘Snakes In Suits’ are recommended primers.
Thank you for posting this article… I’d have missed it otherwise for sure.
“I thought I was the only one who believed there was a psychopathocracy.”
That’s funny, I thought that for most (if not all) the regulars at cryptogon, it was a forgone conclusion. Seriously.
It only makes sense: if you lack a conscience (which I’ll define as the instinct that compels one to behave according to the golden rule, i.e., do unto others as you would have others do unto you), then you’ll have an advantage in competing with the rest of the world, i.e., you won’t be hung up about performing acts that others, who have more of a conscience, would consider “cheating”. And the greater the lack of conscience, the great the ability to “cheat”, and therefore the greater the ability to “succeed”, as the worldly among us define “success” (these latter, of course, being the very same ones who’ve made it to the top through their less-than-conscionable acts.) So by “natural selection”, those with the least sense of conscience will rise to the top, and shape the world as they (in their psychopathy) see fit.
If I may digress even further, this is why the message of Jesus (the REAL message, I’d argue, not the tripe being served up by the Christo-Fascists these days) is fundamentally in opposition to everything worldly, because it promises that faith in the power of goodness (and that alone) is ultimately greater than any other power, including all those nasty things that the faithless employ to achieve their ends. It (the message of Jesus, henceforth the MOJ(trademark) 😉 ) is truly transcendent, in that it runs perfectly counter to the “law of the jungle”, i.e., kill or be killed, never let someone strike your cheek a second time, etc.
Finally, it does seem like we (humankind) are at a moral crossroads, what with the kind of technology now available to those in power, and the fact that those in power seem to be even more psychopathic (at the very least in the US) than they’ve been up to now.
Interesting times, that’s for sure.
There’s a guy, Alan Watt, who for lack of a better term has a ‘grand unified theory’ of doom. His stuff is over at Anyway, he is of the opinion that TPTB, all royal houses that can trace their lineage back to (and before) Babylon and Sumer, interbreed not only to keep their bloodlines pure but to ensure a high proportion of psychopathocracy in their offspring.
He paints a pretty bleak picture of a jackboot Orwellian nightmare followed by a ‘Brave New World’ in our near future but throws out the caveat that these people have been close numerous times in the past to consolidating global power only to fail. Perhaps some earth shattering event when the current long count of the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 will thwart them once again.