Suspected U.S. Missile Strike Kills 9 in Pakistan

August 14th, 2008

In how many countries is the U.S. military killing people? I’ve lost track.

Via: Los Angeles Times:

In what could herald an intensified U.S. campaign against Islamic insurgents in Pakistan’s tribal areas, a suspected American missile attack killed at least nine people near the Afghan border, local officials said Wednesday.

It was not immediately known whether any senior insurgent figures were among the dead, but officials in the South Waziristan tribal region said those killed included “foreigners,” often used to mean Al Qaeda operatives and commanders from outside Pakistan.

American military officials in Afghanistan and the U.S. Embassy in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, disavowed knowledge of the strike, which tribal sources and Pakistani military officials said was carried out late Tuesday. But such attacks against Al Qaeda members and other significant militant figures by CIA-operated drones are rarely acknowledged publicly by Pakistani or American officials.

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One Response to “Suspected U.S. Missile Strike Kills 9 in Pakistan”

  1. anothernut says:

    And yet this Goebbels-wannabe has the gall to write this (w/regard to the Russia/Georgia conflict):
    “Now the world is getting an idea of what a “war for oil” really looks like. Few in the West appreciate the degree to which Vladimir Putin and the Soviet, er, Russian, elite subscribe to a prewar view of power relations and national greatness. Their view is not based on self-reproducing institutions and innovation and the power of trade, but on territory and resources — lebensraum, as one of their intellectual progenitors called it.”


    I guess we’re ruining Afghanistan, Iraq, and with any “luck” Iran, because we love “self-reproducing institutions and innovation and the power of trade”.

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