Undercover Researchers Expose Chinese Internet Water Army

November 23rd, 2011

Via: Technology Review:

An undercover team of computer scientists reveals the practices of people who are paid to post on websites.

In China, paid posters are known as the Internet Water Army because they are ready and willing to ‘flood’ the internet for whoever is willing to pay. The flood can consist of comments, gossip and information (or disinformation) and there seems to be plenty of demand for this army’s services.

3 Responses to “Undercover Researchers Expose Chinese Internet Water Army”

  1. pessimistic optimist says:

    im personally not bothered by this at all, seems like the sort of thing you accept as part of forum culture. as for paid bloggers working for mil/gov, thats another story altogether, especially “off-topic” blogs, gives me the heebyjeebies. doesnt the prc already censor the internet in country already? so these water armies are some corporate little-brother type abuse? isnt any seo agency essentially doing the same thing?

  2. prov6yahoo says:

    HAHA, this is the solution to the jobs problem – hire people to blog to encourage whatever viewpoint you wish to propagate!

  3. ENERGYMAN says:

    This is my fourth attempt at replying to this article. Too much to say, so many thought paths to follow.

    I will say this… I wonder what english language/western(and other) culture program courses are available, and what pay increases are realized for becoming proficient in those courses. Yeah, I know there was no mention of that level of organization to this apparent business model, but come on, that was like the third thing I thought of, and I am really intoxicated with alcohol and natural plant chemicals.
    Think about it. I am some doofus kindergarden entry level checkers player, and they are world championship chess masters with goals to meet and a bottom line to consider.

    How long until the U.S. farms out this cheap military cyber weapon? Living bots. Internet zombies with social engineering virus bites, their Voodoo priests wearing MultiCam®.

    Wow, I’m suddenly depressed. Just kidding.

    I have many internet kung fu skills.

    P.S. Totally off topic, but check out the pic gallery of the MultiCam® site. Pretty amazing.


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