Choose Real Food

August 13th, 2011

Via: Whole Health Source:

Choose Real Food

Choose Real Food

The people who design government dietary guidelines are gagged by the fact that politics and business are so tightly intertwined in this country. Their advice will never directly target the primary source of obesity and metabolic dysfunction– industrially processed food– because that would hurt corporate profits in one of the country’s biggest economic sectors. You can only squeeze so much profit out of a carrot, so food engineers design “value-added” ultrapalatable/rewarding foods with a larger profit margin.

We don’t even have the political will to regulate food advertisements directed at defenseless children, which are systematically training them from an early age to prefer foods that are fattening and unhealthy. This is supposedly out of a “free market” spirit, but that justification is hollow because processed food manufacturers benefit from tax loopholes and major government subsidies, including programs supporting grain production and the employment of disadvantaged citizens (see Fast Food Nation).

Related: Rawsome Farm Buying Club Raided Again

Image By: Adam Fields

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