Of Arms and the Man: War-Profiteers and Progressives Make Common Cause for Obama
March 21st, 2011Via: Empire Burlesque:
Yet even now, the “progressive blogosphere” is ablaze with partisan fervor bent toward a single goal: the re-election of Barack Obama in 2012. Because if Obama is not re-elected, we might get a president who … kowtows to Wall Street, tortures Americans, kills innocent people — that is, who actually, literally, physically has children torn into splatters and shreds of viscera and bone — and sells arms to tyrants. And if we don’t support this, if we don’t “stop bitching and get to work” making sure that this continues, then we could end up with a Republican president who kowtows to Wall Street, tortures Americans, shreds innocent children into viscera and sells arms to tyrants. And that would be just terrible.
Related: Obama Consults with General Flustercluck Thanks, TJR.
Yup, 2012. Both Red State and Daily Kos are winding up for the big game already. Folks think these sites are ligit, but they are just shills for their respective parties. They make the overall divide and conquer plan work so well. The Internet and the information age are working against us in this arena.
@jburke6000: well said, but we’ve been trained for generations not to think for ourselves, but rather to defer to “experts” and “authority figures”. If you haven’t already, you might want to check out John Taylor Gatto. Start ’em young.
I didn’t remember Gatto the first time somebody mentioned him to me. In my first life, I graduated from Pitt with an Econ/Psych degree. We talked about Gatto in a couple of classes. Interesting guy. And yes, we depend on authorities to tell us things, like nuke emergencies. I prefer to look up stuff myself. I especially enjoy looking up the back round information on the “experts”. That’s how I frist caught on to the total infiltration of the Corporate State. Before then, I still believed we had some say in our affairs. Now I just want to carve out my own little spot where I can grow my own food and be self sufficient. It is going to take a total collapse of the economy before the vast majority of Americans realize what the score really is in this country.
I’m getting to the point where I do believe rather strongly in the Manchurian candidate scenario. Somewhere between “election” by “the voters” and their Inauguration the Ptb comes in and scoops the soul and life out the figurehead they have brought to power and replaces it with a moron/marionette.
This scenario was easier for me to accept with Bush II. He didn’t have much going for him to begin with.
But seeing this happen with Obama has been painful for me. Like in the movie where Kevin Cline is a stand in for the real President, I imagine the real Obama on life support somewhere in the bowels of some dungeon of CIA and Israeli making. Its just not him in that body anymore and the words coming out his mouth are some kind of programmed speech that has nothing to do with the real soul of the man (that obviously doesn’t live in Obama anymore).
I think the “programmer’s” have gone a bit far in Obama’s case. How to exlain the total reversals on his previous statements without any explanation on his part? It doesn’t make sense to me. I hope to Gawd, that if I starting speaking in another language than previously, somebody would get a trusted doctor/psychic or whatever, and hold a seance, OR SOMETHING, to knock the devil out of me and bring me to my senses.
There is something really wrong with the Obama picture. I can’t put my finger on it.
I didn’t think he was going to be a savior, but my gawd, he is possessed with something evil these days.
My prayers to you son. May your throw off the devils that are possessing you, post haste! Your country needs your leadership. And God knows, it is no fun to be possessed by devils.