Anonymous Airs Bank of America Emails for Wikileaks
March 14th, 2011Via: Daily Tech:
The emails detail what seems like suspicious actions at Balboa (and by proxy, Bank of America).
The unit makes most of its money from placing mandatory insurance policies on liens, such as home mortgages, farm loans, etc. The insurance policy increases the amount the mortgage holder has to pay in escrow.
It appears that Balboa was eager to disguise something that was going on. In emails a supervisor, Jason Vaughn, informs his subordinates to remove a long list of images from Rembrandt/Track Source — two databases that the company used. Mr. Vaughn appeared to be fulfilling a directive from his management.
The emails were sent in November 2010.
So why did the bank need to delete all these images? Well it’s possible it was for some sort of routine maintenance, but the leaker claims that it was to prevent the federal government from getting potential proof of wrongdoing on foreclosed properties.
This indeed seems to be the case based on further comments from Jason Vaughn, the supervisor. After the documents were unable to be deleted, the team resorted to removing the numbers from the tracking numbers system to prevent them from showing up in searches.
I “like” the new header Alot Kevin. What I am thinking about Anonymous/Bradley Manning/Bank of America/Japan is inter-related. Maybe I’m a cold hearted bitch, but when something like the Japan tragedy happens, and after the grief and shock from the tragedy sets in, I think, who benefits? Certainly a distraction away from Bank of America; or Bradley Manning being tortured for being a truthteller. Or Wikileaks or Toyota and Honda being kick ass car manufacturers. Or whatever.
Yes, we in America don’t like our sins being exposed for all to see. Not at all. We’re supposed to be the Great White Hope. But forget the Indians whose land we stole; 9/11; the great Bailout; George Bush; Donald Rumsfeld; Paul Wolfowitz. Whatever. Or the great war being waged on people who or Islam, or who have oil; or people who fly the great skies of the world who have their genitalia felt up by some quasi military organization named after Hitler’s German Stazi about to become a Gestapo in America. If we let them do it.
The people who “think” they are really running this world think they have us by the private parts. Our money, our food, blah, blah,blah. Create terror. So we will Run for our lives. Hole up in a bunker and wait for the shitstorm to pass.
Yes, I know, Japan is situated on the “Ring of Fire.” But I also know that every major news media in this world is run by very wealthy people. I also know that there are technologies available in this world that can manufacture the the shitstorm we are seeing in Japan.
I don’t have a dark mind. Really I don’t. I just don’t believe in “natural disasters” anymore. I’m “out there” I guess.
The war on whistleblowers is the darkest one. The “not white” bellies of some very powerful people are being threatened with exposure. And I personally don’t think it is beyond them to create a shitstorm so terrible and distracting that we wont’t pay attention to what’s going down with THEM. Keep your eyes on “both of those news balls.”
And goddess bless and prayers to all in Japan; whistleblowers around the world who have my heart, and anyone else around the world who thinks they have no one else in the world who relates to their pain and suffering. May they find inner peace and meaning in their suffering. I don’t believe any of it goes to waste.
Oops, I forgot to add Slavery – how we stole Black people from Africa – after stealing the Indians land. Mea Culpa.