George Bush and White House Issued 935 False Statements About Iraq Following 9/11

January 23rd, 2008


US President George W Bush and other top officials issued almost one thousand false statements about the national security threat from Iraq following the September 11 attacks, according to a study by two not-for-profit organisations.

The Associated Press reports the study, published on the website of the Centre for Public Integrity, concluded the statements “were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanised public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretences”.

According to the study, 935 false statements were issued by the White House in the two years after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

In speeches, briefings and interviews, President Bush and other officials stated “unequivocally” on at least 532 occasions that Iraq had links to al-Qaeda, or had weapons of mass destruction or was trying to get them.

“It is now beyond dispute that Iraq did not possess any weapons of mass destruction or have meaningful ties to al-Qaeda,” wrote the study’s authors Charles Lewis and Mark Reading-Smith.

“In short, the Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq on March 19, 2003.”

The study found that President Bush alone made 259 false statements – 231 about weapons of mass destruction and 28 about Iraq’s links to al-Qaeda.

The other officials named in the study are vice president Dick Cheney, then-national security advisor Condoleezza Rice, then-defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld, then-secretary of state Colin Powell, deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz and White House spokesmen Ari Fleischer and Scott McClellan.

“The cumulative effect of these false statements – amplified by thousands of news stories and broadcasts – was massive, with the media coverage creating an almost impenetrable din for several critical months in the run-up to war,” the study concluded.

“Some journalists – indeed, even some entire news organisations – have since acknowledged that their coverage during those pre-war months was far too deferential and uncritical. These mea culpas notwithstanding, much of the wall-to-wall media coverage provided additional ‘independent’ validation of the Bush administration’s false statements about Iraq.”

3 Responses to “George Bush and White House Issued 935 False Statements About Iraq Following 9/11”

  1. Eileen says:

    This is something every sentient being on Earth should respond to.
    935 False Statements!
    I don’t know about anyone who might read this, but sheesh, the lies I’ve told in my life, and the instant karma reaction to them in my 53 years on this earth have taught me – do not tell a lie. Instant Karma I tell you. I’ve come clean.
    Mark Twain has a saying about telling the truth that escapes me right now, but oh, lying is probably the very worst fucked up thing you can do during your time on this planet.
    But I remember how George Bush lied to me, day in and day out for what seemed an eternity in the run up to the invasion of Iraq, and the elections, and how I used to have to turn the radio off because of all the NOISE of my bullshit barometer going off.
    I think each and every one of us should take a moment and say a prayer for George W. Bush.
    Why? Because if someone can recite bald faced lies to the world 935 times – well, they are are a very sick individual. And if that Pathologic liar Is the President of United States? This person, our country, the WORLD needs to pray that this person is healed from the curse that is vexing their soul. Why, because he is the wrongful president of the United States that obtained his office by hook and crook, and he is bringing the world down around our ears with his illness.
    Granted, prayers are very powerful. But there is no quick fix for our President who is locked in a psychological struggle with his father the likes of a Shakespearean tragedy. Can you imagine the psychological disorder you would have if George H.W. Bush were your father, and your grandfather were Prescott Bush?
    Meanwhile, George copes with his illness.
    Dad doesn’t want to go into Bagdad.
    Son George, pushes on.
    Dad puts the U.S. economy into recession.
    George puts it into even worse, a depression.
    Dad runs drugs, weapons, etc. ad nauseum.
    George W. doesn’t know how to quit using.
    Thinking on all on all of the unresolved son/father/grandfather stuff of the Bush family – I understand it. Makes me want to puke, only because the Bush Family Mafia isn’t dealing with it like normal people do – you know go to therapy sessions for the rest of your life because you are so fucked up!
    But that this Bush family – SO FUCKED UP- can wreak their psychodrama on the entire world just because they are BUSH’s – well, nuff said.
    Instead, I say pray that some light bulb that “gets” what the existence of a person on the planet, outside of the Bush family goes ON in the soul of the thing that is George W. Bush.
    No wait, amend that! George might get really angry when he realizes what a reactionary to his family B.S. he has been and then he REALLY will go BESERK!
    Well this post is going nowhere.
    I want the Bush family to heal itself of its neurosis and stop taking it out on the rest of the planet. Stop the piling on of Bush family sins onto the world.
    Yes, for this pray.

  2. rototillerman says:

    “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” – Mark Twain

  3. Solus says:

    Lying is Standard Operating Procedure for the elites.

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