Changing Images of Man

December 11th, 2007

If you have ever encountered wild eyed weirdos who talk about re-visioning the future, complete with new religions, etc., whether those people realize it or not, Changing Images of Man appears to be the blueprint for that brand of PSYOP. Unfortunately, I hadn’t heard of Changing Images of Man until 2005. (I wish I’d read it about 15 years earlier.) I felt very lucky to find an original copy in a university library. Now, it’s on the net here, or as smaller, text only version (torrent).

You might read through the book and think, “Gee whiz, this doesn’t sound so bad,” but consider the source. Indeed, I thought that a lot of it sounded pretty familiar, having looked into different ways of thinking about the future. I had no idea that what I was seeing, over and over again, was a rehash of this Stanford Research Institute material.

A lot of times, when you look for ways to think outside the box, you might find that you wind up inside some other box. SRI devised a lot of those other boxes. People who use utopia-speak should actually read Changing Images of Man because they will find that they’re just propagating creepy memes that were devised by a bunch of elitists in the 1960s and 1970s. This is the kinder, gentler management layer: Different words, different facades, more dazzling technology, but it’s the same wizards behind the curtain. The same people who created this crap situation in which the world finds itself.

Now, the story that’s going around the Intertubes today is: The Planned Collapse of America. That’s a decent summary of Changing Images of Man.

But also check out, Scientists on Acid: The Story Behind “Changing Images of Man,” for some great context material on the authors of the of the research.

Research Credit: Idleworm, Information Clearing House, Survival Acres, et al.

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