UPDATE, 6/29/04 04:30am PST: This Story Is Possibly/Probably DISINFO
OKOKOK. I'm officially putting the brakes on this. Fair enough, I should have added a "HIGHLY SPECULATIVE" tag to this story, as I routinely do when the info is this thin. In my own defense, when I posted this, I noticed the weird use of language in the article, but I thought, "Just because the guy writing the story is an idiot doesn't mean his information isn't true. It doesn't mean it is either." I actually wrote that in an email to AL, a long time Cryptogon reader and contributor, who wrote to me indicating that he didn't buy this at all.
Another long time Cryptogon reader, contributor and
oilempire.us editor, Mark R, followed up with:
dear kevin
"lets roll" is blatant disinformation
see http://www.oilempire.us/911intro.html#disinformation for an explanation (it falsely claims that blurry doctored video images "prove" an anomalous "pod" under the 767 that hit the south tower -- when there is no real evidence or reason for this).
lets roll is probably the LEAST trustworthy 9/11 site I have seen, breathlessly exuberant but blatantly in contradiction to actual provable facts
a "who is" search coupled with a reverse number / name lookup brings you the name of a local homeland security official. I haven't bothered to confirm that this person is the same as listed, but "lets roll" is blatant bullshit. It wouldn't surprise me if disinformation pretending to be real exposure was being pushed by the fed.gov -- it's sad that Alex Jones has been taking this sort of stuff seriously. Infowars has a lot of good material, but I don't consider them one of the best 9/11 sites since they don't bother with fact checking. Reader beware.
I NEVER base this sort of conclusion on a single piece of evidence.
It's interesting that Alex Jones's article about Col De Grand-Pre is then archived by the bogus letsroll site. It can get confusing to find the original source.
MarkSo, the moral of the story is: Beware of fast spreading, thinly sourced memes, and be thankful that your friends are quick to point out when you've stepped in it.
My original post follows:
I know I don't believe in coincidences, but I swear that I had no idea this news would break when I posted the story, earlier today, on
Understanding 911. The remarkable aspect of this is not that Flight 93 was shot down, but that the government has lied about its fate, even against the backdrop of the obvious physical evidence surrounding the incident. The U.S. government KNOWS that the public is so stupid that any lie, no matter how ridiculous, will be readily believed:
LetsRoll has discovered the name of the pilot as well as all other pertinent information regarding this incident;
"At precisely 0938 hours, an alarm was sounded at Langely Air Force Base, and those whom were on call, drinking coffee, were scrambled. Thus the 119th Fighter Wing was off for an intercept.
They, the Happy Hooligans, a unit of 3 F-16 aircraft, were ordered to head toward Pennsylvania. At 0957 they spotted their target; After confirmation orders were received, A one Major Rick Gibney fired two sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in mid flight at precisely 0958;
He was awarded a medal from the Governor one year later for his heroic actions. As well as Decorated by Congress on 9/13/2001. The Happy Hooligans were previously stationed in North Dakota, and moved to Langley Air Force base some months before 911 occured on a "Temporary assignment."Research Credit: NF
posted by Kevin at 4:45 PM
If you're visiting Cryptogon for the first time because you received a
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Take a few moments to check out the types of stories I cover routinely on this site. It might seem random at first, but this stuff is all interrelated. The
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ARCHIVES, but you're welcome to. If you start reading the stories I post, you will soon start to see the patterns (if you don't already). Once you recognize the patterns, you will have a much greater insight on events and where things are headed.
The format for most entries is as follows:
The orange ':.' next to an entry title is a link to a story on another site. The text below the entry title is my commentary.
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I've found that "understanding" has a lot to do with effective filtering and context fitting. That's what I do here. If this information resonates with you, I'd like to hear from you. And if it doesn't, I'd REALLY like to hear from you. This is all about approaching a more accurate understanding of events. If you don't agree with me AND you have compelling evidence to back your perspective, please share it with me.
posted by Kevin at 6:00 AM
Overall, I thought F911 was a very powerful film. For me, however, the most shocking aspect of the film was how shocked the audience was! Having said that, I think the film went as far as it could go, given the cognitive constraints within which the vast majority of Americans form their worldview.
I saw F911 in a packed theater. I looked around at the audience as the scenes of dead Iraqi civilians were on the screen. There was a sense of genuine horror in the crowd. Obviously, none of this information was new to me, and if you've been reading this site, for any length of time, none of it will be new to you either. Remember, the average person hasn't been exposed to the images of the American caused atrocities. To get it all at once, on the massive movie screen, really rattled people. I think it's probably the case that if Moore had gone any further, the film would have been too shocking. I think the audience members had reached the limit of what they could reasonably handle, given their general lack of understanding of what U.S. foreign policy has done to people around the world over the last 50 years or so.
I found it interesting that
Alex Jones, someone with nothing like the resources of Michael Moore, put out an even more powerful documentary on the superset of events within which F911 takes place. And Alex Jones did this two years ago! Why wasn't
9/11 The Road to Tyranny selling out movie theaters back then? Well, that documentary wasn't in movie theaters at all... Alex Jones' film equally savages Republicans and Democrats. Moore's film spends about 90% of the time demonizing Bush, which is great and well deserved. I just wish he would would have gone more into the bipartisan nature of the beast we're facing.
What disturbs me, though, is that the film is being turned into a Kerry 2004 circus. It's really easy, watching F911, to lapse into the false belief that all of our ills have been caused by Bush and his regime. However, to Michael Moore's credit---if you pay close attention---the film does, directly and indirectly:
* Implicate the Democrats with complicity in allowing Bush to steal the presidency in the first place.
* Implicate the Democrats with complicity in the passage of the Patriot Act.
* Implicate the Democrats with complicity in the passage of the funding legislation that made the war with Iraq possible.
In other words, Democrats have been complicit with Bush in THE WORST ASPECTS of the Bush presidency.
I'm sorry, but you have to get it through your head that Kerry is not going to save us. Once you're over that hurdle, you should then start to realize that, in fact, the system serves to prevent us from electing anyone who is capable of significantly altering policy.
Mark R, who runs
oilempire.us, said it best in his email to me last night:
The 2004 "election" features a plutocrat from the occult Skull and Bones secret society who supports police state legislation, a new gas pipeline from north Alaska, more troops to Iraq, the war in Columbia, nuclear power, delaying fuel efficiency improvements in cars until 2015 and opposes the Kyoto Treaty. And then we have the incumbent, who is a war criminal, complicit in the murder of nearly 3,000 people in New York and countless Iraqis, Afghans and others.
The 2004 Presidential "election" makes the 2000 contest look honest in comparison -- at best, it will merely be "regime rotation" (replace Bush but keep the most important policies). The biggest way the election has been rigged is not phony computerized ballot machines (although they are a severe violation of democracy), but the manipulation of the process to ensure that Bush's cousin was picked as the opposition candidate. Bush, Kerry and Cheney are cousins, part of the American aristocracy.
Many more people who voted for Bush in 2000 have become disillusioned with him than the numbers of citizens who voted for Gore and now want to support Bush. The main question for the 2004 selection is whether Kerry is allowed to win or whether Team Bush will steal the election again.
Our dependence on a reality that has been fabricated by corporations is the problem. Bush and Kerry are the logical outcomes of this dependence. As long as we seek to exist in this fake, toxic and expensive reality, our leaders will emulate corrupt CEOs, and we will be robbed at gunpoint.
The solution involves decorporatizing yourself and your family to the extent possible. There are all kinds of minor things that individuals can do along these lines, however, the first really substantive step must be to remove corporations from our breakfast, lunch and dinner plates.
That's right.
The revolution begins with food. Start thinking less about politics and more about how you can obtain organically grown and raised vegetables, meat and dairy goods WITHOUT buying them from a market that has had them trucked in from hundreds or thousands of miles away. If you think electing decent politicians is difficult, consider the last sentence for a few minutes. This is a carefully worded challenge. I already know where this leads the individual, but, for now, I'll leave it up to you to turn over the implications.
As you think about, and solve, the basics of clean food and water, the political solutions will fall into place. Hint: You might find that you don't have much need for corporations, or the government that serves them.
It's incredible that when different types of people come to understand the exigencies of clean food and water, their politics suddenly become VERY congruent. If the first priorities are clean food and water, many areas of our present existence will become constrained. These limitations, however, lead to a sane, sustainable existence and an excellent quality of life.
In conclusion, I think F911 is a great film that should be seen by everyone. But, if this film only results in a Kerry presidency---that is, if we don't recognize the wider threats to our existence---our journey into oblivion will continue apace, just as it has under Bush.
posted by Kevin at 5:50 AM