
Pilger: Bush or Kerry? Look Closely and the Danger Is the Same :.

Libs and Dems for Kerry = Part of the problem:

A myth equal to the fable of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction is gaining strength on both sides of the Atlantic. It is that John Kerry offers a world-view different from that of George W Bush. Watch this big lie grow as Kerry is crowned the Democratic candidate and the "anyone but Bush" movement becomes a liberal cause celebre.

While the rise to power of the Bush gang, the neoconservatives, belatedly preoccupied the American media, the message of their equivalents in the Democratic Party has been of little interest. Yet the similarities are compelling. Shortly before Bush's "election" in 2000, the Project for the New American Century, the neoconservative pressure group, published an ideological blueprint for "maintaining global US pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests". Every one of its recommendations for aggression and conquest was adopted by the administration.

One year later, the Progressive Policy Institute, an arm of the Democratic Leadership Council, published a 19-page manifesto for the "New Democrats", who include all the principal Democratic Party candidates, and especially John Kerry. This called for "the bold exercise of American power" at the heart of "a new Democratic strategy, grounded in the party's tradition of muscular internationalism". Such a strategy would "keep Americans safer than the Republicans' go-it-alone policy, which has alienated our natural allies and overstretched our resources. We aim to rebuild the moral foundation of US global leadership ..."

What is the difference from the vainglorious claptrap of Bush? Apart from euphemisms, there is none.

Outsource or Perish, U.S. Firms Told :.

Forget outsourcing. Grow your own food, or perish:

In a significant report, an influential consultancy firm has warned American companies that either they outsource more work to India, including high-powered functions like research and development, or face extinction.

Companies risk extinction if they hesitate to shift facilities to low-cost countries because the potential savings are so vast, said a recently released report by Boston Consulting Group.

Kerry Campaign Releases Middle East Policy Seemingly Drafted in Tel Aviv :.

John Kerry has been at the forefront of the fight for Israel's security during his nineteen years in the US Senate. His pro-Israel voting record is second to none.

John Kerry did not wait until he was running for president of the United States to visit Israel - he has been there on numerous occasions throughout his public life. Through his meetings with Israeli political and military leaders - and especially his interaction with ordinary Israelis - he has experienced the everyday security threat that Israelis face and this has deepened his understanding of Israel's security needs. In short, John Kerry will never do anything to compromise that security.

Israeli Forces Shoot Palestinian Boy Dead as He Plays Football :.

A nine-year-old Palestinian boy was shot dead by Israeli forces yesterday as he played football, local residents said after armoured vehicles once again entered the southern Gaza town of Rafah.

A few hours later five Palestinian gunmen were killed in Gaza by Israeli forces protecting the approach road used by Israelis from the Jewish settlement of Netzarim. The army said its unit returned fire from one gunman and then shot four others who subsequently approached the "structure" occupied by the troops.

The boy killed in Rafah, named as Omar Za'ran, was pronounced dead by medics at the local hospital, after he was brought in from the Brazil section of the town's refugee camp. Bashir Abu Jlidan, 18, said: "We were playing football when Israeli tanks ... started firing inside the camp and towards us." He said that the boy had fallen to the ground, bleeding.


Jeff Rense Show: July 1 Guest Interrupted By FBI In Mid-Program :.

At the end of the first hour of a scheduled 2-hour interview with special guest, Afghan-born Dr. Mohammend Daud Miraki, PhD, Jeff Rense was informed by his program producer that Dr. Miraki reported over his phone line that he had just been confronted with a "terrible problem"...that "the FBI and local police are at my front door." Contact with Dr. Miraki was then lost.

During the first hour, Dr. Miraki shared his views and information on past fighting and the current situation in Afghanistan, and discussed a number of other key issues about life in the country of his birth.

Dr. Miraki has been a champion of his decimated people for years and recently started the Afghan Depleted Uranium Recovery Fund to attempt to deal with the massive uranium contamination and its horrendous impact on the people of Afghanistan.

The Corporation: High Quality Trailer Posted :.

I can't wait to see this film.

U.S. Lawmakers Request UN Observers for Presidential Election :.

So, the U.S. is now officially at banana republic status, requiring international observers to insure that the presidential election is legitimate! HAHAHA! Is the UN staff going to have root access to all the electronic voting systems!? You see, nothing about this election, the candidates or the process, is going to be legitimate, no matter who observes it:

Several members of the House of Representatives have requested the United Nations to send observers to monitor the November 2 US presidential election to avoid a contentious vote like in 2000, when the outcome was decided by Florida.

Recalling the long, drawn out process in the southern state, nine lawmakers, including four blacks and one Hispanic, sent a letter Thursday to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan asking that the international body "ensure free and fair elections in America," according to a statement issued by Florida representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, who spearheaded the effort.

Multivitamins Can Halt HIV Spread :.

US doctors have discovered that a simple multivitamin pill can stymie the advance of HIV, a discovery that can greatly benefit patients in developing countries who could thereby get relief from popping expensive pills.

According to Nature , after a clinical survey involving nearly 1,080 pregnant women with HIV in Tanzania, the doctors found that those who swallowed a daily dose of vitamins B, C and E for up to five years were around 50 per cent less likely to progress to full-blown AIDS.

Hand Scanners to Keep Tabs on Students at Boca Middle School :.

When teachers take attendance at a new middle school next month, they won't need a notebook or even a piece of paper.

They can depend on biometric hand readers to do the job.

The little black boxes, which take less than a second to identify students based on the dimensions of their hands, will be placed in all 61 classrooms, the cafeteria, main office and media center at Don Estridge High Tech Middle School, which will open Aug. 11 at Spanish River Boulevard and Military Trail.

The technology also will be on Don Estridge school buses so the school can monitor who gets on and off at each stop.

"We are a testing ground for this new technology," said Jim Kelly, Palm Beach County schools' police chief. "It's like an ID card for kids, but they won't be able to lose them."


Robot Scout Heading to Iraq :.

A scout robot that acts as the eyes and ears of soldiers, performing dangerous operations and working as a sentry, is on its way to Iraq for testing.

The robot was designed by Hagen Schempf at Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Institute in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the US Marine Corps's Warfighting Laboratory in Quantico, Virginia.

Called Dragon Runner , the rugged robot allows soldiers to gather intelligence in settings where human access is dangerous or impractical.

"Dragon Runner is the lightest, smallest, most rugged readily portable robot system for remote scouting operations in existence today," says Schempf.

Plans To Cancel Elections After 'Terror Attacks' :.

The government needs to establish guidelines for canceling or rescheduling elections if terrorists strike the United States again, says the chairman of a new federal voting commission.

Such guidelines do not currently exist, said DeForest B. Soaries, head of the voting panel.

Soaries was appointed to the federal Election Assistance Commission last year by President Bush. Soaries said he wrote to National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge in April to raise the concerns.


DOJ: Copying Data Could Destroy It :.

Wow. We are living in an era that is dominated by complete and total absurdity. The DOJ response might as well have been: We can't copy the data because pink elephants will fly out of our butts:

The Bush administration is offering a novel reason for denying a request seeking the Justice Department's database on foreign lobbyists: Copying the information would bring down the computer system.

"Implementing such a request risks a crash that cannot be fixed and could result in a major loss of data, which would be devastating," wrote Thomas J. McIntyre, chief in the Justice Department's office for information requests.

Advocates for open government said the government's assertion that it could not copy data from its computers was unprecedented but representative of generally negative responses to Freedom of Information Act requests.

Attack Iran, U.S. Chief Ordered British :.


America's military commander in Iraq ordered British troops to prepare a full-scale ground offensive against Iranian forces that had crossed the border and grabbed disputed territory, a senior officer has disclosed.

An attack would almost certainly have provoked open conflict with Iran. But the British chose instead to resolve the matter through diplomatic channels.

"If we had attacked the Iranian positions, all hell would have broken loose," a defence source said yesterday.

"We would have had the Iranians to our front and the Iraqi insurgents picking us off at the rear."

The incident was disclosed by a senior British officer at a conference in London last week and is reported in today's edition of Defence Analysis. The identity of the officer is not given.

"Some Iranian border and observation posts were re-positioned over the border, broadly a kilometre into Iraq," a Ministry of Defence spokesman said.

The incident began last July when Revolutionary Guards pushed about a kilometre into Iraq to the north and east of Basra in an apparent attempt to reoccupy territory which they claimed belonged to Iran.

Lt Gen Ricardo Sanchez then ordered the British to prepare to send in several thousand troops to attack the Revolutionary Guard positions.

The Revolutionary Guard Corps has 125,000 soldiers, making it 25 per cent larger than the entire British Army, and is equipped with 500 tanks, 600 armoured personnel carriers and 360 artillery weapons.

The incident is reminiscent of the exchange during the Kosovo conflict between the American general, Wesley Clark, the supreme allied commander Europe, and Gen Sir Mike Jackson, the British commander.

When Gen Clark told Gen Jackson to send British troops into Pristina airport to prevent Russian troops from taking control Gen Jackson refused. He was reported to have said: "I am not going to start World War Three for you."

The Iran-Iraq incident lasted around a week and was resolved by a telephone conversation between Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, and Kamal Kharrazi, his Iranian counterpart, British officials said.

Robert Fisk: The Pitiful Restoration of Iraq's 'Sovereignty' :.

So in the end, America's enemies set the date. The handover of "full sovereignty" was secretly brought forward so that the ex-CIA intelligence officer who is now "Prime Minister" of Iraq could avoid another bloody offensive by America's enemies. What is supposed to be the most important date in Iraq's modern history was changed--like a birthday party--because it might rain on Wednesday.

Pitiful is the word that comes to mind. Here we were, handing "full sovereignty" to the people of Iraq ? "full", of course, providing we forget the 160,000 foreign soldiers whom the Prime Minister, Iyad Allawi, has apparently asked to stay in Iraq, "full" providing we forget the 3,000 US diplomats in Baghdad who will constitute the largest US embassy in the world--without even telling the Iraqi people that we had changed the date.

NSA User Hits Cryptogon

A user at the U.S. National Security Agency conducted the following Google search: .mil "proxy"

Here is the raw Apache log entry from the hit to Cryptogon: - - [29/Jun/2004:07:49:29 -0600]
"GET /2004_04_04_blogarchive.html HTTP/1.0" 200 75652
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT)"

DNS translation of

OrgName: National Computer Security Center
Address: 9800 Savage Road
City: Fort George G. Meade
StateProv: MD
Country: US

NetRange: -
NetName: NCSC
NetHandle: NET-144-51-0-0-1
Parent: NET-144-0-0-0-0
NetType: Direct Assignment
Updated: 1997-11-17

TechHandle: AMM32-ARIN
TechName: McCool, Anna M.
TechPhone: +1-301-688-5267


Old Soldiers to Be Called to Action :.

Sure, there won't be a draft next year. There's absolutely no indication that a draft will be necessary...

As many as 7,500 retired and discharged soldiers who are not members of the National Guard or Reserve will be involuntarily recalled to active duty for possible service in Iraq or Afghanistan, Army sources told FOX News Tuesday.

In a new sign of the strain the insurgency in Iraq has put on the U.S. military, Army officials said the call-ups will begin in July and run through December.

It will be the first time the Army has relied on the Individual Ready Reserve, as this category of reservists is known, in substantial numbers since the 1991 Gulf War.

Let Freedom Reign: The Dawn of a New Iraq - or a Return to Secrecy and Killing? :.

I haven't been in an international relations class in a long time, but I seem to have a few fuzzy memories about some basic terminology. Here's a clue: when other states have deployed 160,000 troops in your country to use force as they see fit, your state does not posses sovereignty.

Definition: [n] government free from external control

160,000 foreign troops in Iraq might mean that the government there isn't exactly free from "external control." Ya think?! God, the Newspeak They're using these days is completely ridiculous:

Something happened in Baghdad yesterday, but what exactly? What we know is that somewhere in Saddam Hussein's sprawling former cantonment on the banks of the Tigris, behind silver miles of new razor wire, behind high concrete barriers stronger than most medieval fortifications, behind sandbags, five security checks, US armoured vehicles, US armoured soldiers, special forces of various countries and private security guards, behind secrecy and a fear of killing so intense that none save a handful of people knew it had happened until after it was over, an American bureaucrat handed a piece of paper to an Iraqi judge, jumped on a helicopter and left the country.

Paul Bremer's departure and the handover of a limited form of sovereignty to an unelected Iraqi government was to be the end of military occupation and the beginning of independence.

From London and Washington it may look that way and Iraqis, too, seem eager to believe that yesterday was the beginning of the end of chaos and fear. But the Bremer who waved from the steps of his departing C-130 did not only leave sovereignty, in the form of a terse two-paragraph letter, with the Iraqis. He left 160,000 foreign troops, a broken economy and a land beset by ruthless, reckless armed bands.

Army Going Solar :.

Imagine your yurt producing 1 kilowatt of power! I'm surprised that Cheney hasn't shown up and eaten everyone involved with this project:

Jean Hampel, project engineer in the Fabric Structures Group at the Army's Natick Soldier Systems Center, said the need to reduce the Army's logistics footprint spurred interest in developing lightweight solar panels. "We want to cut back on the things that soldiers have to bring with them," including generators and personal battery packs, Hampel said. In modern warfare, portable power for communications technology is every bit as important as firepower and manpower.

The Army is testing flexible solar panels developed by Iowa Thin Film Technologies that can be layered on top of a tent, or rolled up into a backpack to provide a portable power source. Tents using solar panels made from amorphous silicon thin film on plastic can provide up to 1 kilowatt of energy, which is sufficient to power fans, lights, radios or laptops, according to Hampel.

Registered Traveler Program: "I'd Do Anything to Save Time and Hassle Going Through Security" :.

I don't know why They just don't announce the chip. Clearly, these idiots would go for it:

For Brad Jolson, the allure is not having to repack his carry-on bag because of a random search. For Ken Buchanan, it's the thought of gaining extra time at the gate to make phone calls or check e-mail. For Amy Bouska, it's about not getting slowed by travelers unfamiliar with the security checkpoint routine.

They were among hundreds of frequent business flyers at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport to sign up Monday for a first-of-its-kind program that promises fewer security headaches and shorter wait times for people who pass background checks.

"I'd do anything to save time and hassle going through security -- anything legal that is," said Bouska, a 56-year-old actuarial consultant in the Twin Cities.

So, ironically, Bouska waited in line for 45 minutes to give the Transportation Security Administration biographical data and stand before a terminal that scanned her irises and fingerprints.


Northrop Grumman Search for "AquaFuel Generator"

Now isn't that interesting!!! I wonder what someone at Northrop Grumman wants with AquaFuel???

Raw Apache log: - - [28/Jun/2004:21:30:55 -0600] "GET /2004_05_16_blogarchive.html HTTP/1.1" 200 113087 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"

DNS lookup of the IP number returns:

The Northrop Grumman user conducted a Google search for: AquaFuel generator

What's AquaFuel?

Flight 93 Shootdown Pilot Identified :.

UPDATE, 6/29/04 04:30am PST: This Story Is Possibly/Probably DISINFO

OKOKOK. I'm officially putting the brakes on this. Fair enough, I should have added a "HIGHLY SPECULATIVE" tag to this story, as I routinely do when the info is this thin. In my own defense, when I posted this, I noticed the weird use of language in the article, but I thought, "Just because the guy writing the story is an idiot doesn't mean his information isn't true. It doesn't mean it is either." I actually wrote that in an email to AL, a long time Cryptogon reader and contributor, who wrote to me indicating that he didn't buy this at all.

Another long time Cryptogon reader, contributor and editor, Mark R, followed up with:

dear kevin

"lets roll" is blatant disinformation

see for an explanation (it falsely claims that blurry doctored video images "prove" an anomalous "pod" under the 767 that hit the south tower -- when there is no real evidence or reason for this).

lets roll is probably the LEAST trustworthy 9/11 site I have seen, breathlessly exuberant but blatantly in contradiction to actual provable facts

a "who is" search coupled with a reverse number / name lookup brings you the name of a local homeland security official. I haven't bothered to confirm that this person is the same as listed, but "lets roll" is blatant bullshit. It wouldn't surprise me if disinformation pretending to be real exposure was being pushed by the -- it's sad that Alex Jones has been taking this sort of stuff seriously. Infowars has a lot of good material, but I don't consider them one of the best 9/11 sites since they don't bother with fact checking. Reader beware.

I NEVER base this sort of conclusion on a single piece of evidence.

It's interesting that Alex Jones's article about Col De Grand-Pre is then archived by the bogus letsroll site. It can get confusing to find the original source.


So, the moral of the story is: Beware of fast spreading, thinly sourced memes, and be thankful that your friends are quick to point out when you've stepped in it.

My original post follows:

I know I don't believe in coincidences, but I swear that I had no idea this news would break when I posted the story, earlier today, on Understanding 911. The remarkable aspect of this is not that Flight 93 was shot down, but that the government has lied about its fate, even against the backdrop of the obvious physical evidence surrounding the incident. The U.S. government KNOWS that the public is so stupid that any lie, no matter how ridiculous, will be readily believed:

LetsRoll has discovered the name of the pilot as well as all other pertinent information regarding this incident;

"At precisely 0938 hours, an alarm was sounded at Langely Air Force Base, and those whom were on call, drinking coffee, were scrambled. Thus the 119th Fighter Wing was off for an intercept.

They, the Happy Hooligans, a unit of 3 F-16 aircraft, were ordered to head toward Pennsylvania. At 0957 they spotted their target; After confirmation orders were received, A one Major Rick Gibney fired two sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in mid flight at precisely 0958;

He was awarded a medal from the Governor one year later for his heroic actions. As well as Decorated by Congress on 9/13/2001. The Happy Hooligans were previously stationed in North Dakota, and moved to Langley Air Force base some months before 911 occured on a "Temporary assignment."

Research Credit: NF

Welcome New Cryptogon Readers

If you're visiting Cryptogon for the first time because you received a Deception Dollar at Fahrenheit 9/11, WELCOME!

Take a few moments to check out the types of stories I cover routinely on this site. It might seem random at first, but this stuff is all interrelated. The ABOUT page is a good place to start, if you want to get a sense for my world view.

There's A LOT of information on here, so take it slow and don't get discouraged. This site doesn't have a beginning and an end. It's made up of patterns of events. You don't have to wade through the two years worth of ARCHIVES, but you're welcome to. If you start reading the stories I post, you will soon start to see the patterns (if you don't already). Once you recognize the patterns, you will have a much greater insight on events and where things are headed.

The format for most entries is as follows:

The orange ':.' next to an entry title is a link to a story on another site. The text below the entry title is my commentary. Italic text passages are direct excerpts from the story, on the other site, that I find important.

I've found that "understanding" has a lot to do with effective filtering and context fitting. That's what I do here. If this information resonates with you, I'd like to hear from you. And if it doesn't, I'd REALLY like to hear from you. This is all about approaching a more accurate understanding of events. If you don't agree with me AND you have compelling evidence to back your perspective, please share it with me.

My Observations on Fahrenheit 9/11

Overall, I thought F911 was a very powerful film. For me, however, the most shocking aspect of the film was how shocked the audience was! Having said that, I think the film went as far as it could go, given the cognitive constraints within which the vast majority of Americans form their worldview.

I saw F911 in a packed theater. I looked around at the audience as the scenes of dead Iraqi civilians were on the screen. There was a sense of genuine horror in the crowd. Obviously, none of this information was new to me, and if you've been reading this site, for any length of time, none of it will be new to you either. Remember, the average person hasn't been exposed to the images of the American caused atrocities. To get it all at once, on the massive movie screen, really rattled people. I think it's probably the case that if Moore had gone any further, the film would have been too shocking. I think the audience members had reached the limit of what they could reasonably handle, given their general lack of understanding of what U.S. foreign policy has done to people around the world over the last 50 years or so.

I found it interesting that Alex Jones, someone with nothing like the resources of Michael Moore, put out an even more powerful documentary on the superset of events within which F911 takes place. And Alex Jones did this two years ago! Why wasn't 9/11 The Road to Tyranny selling out movie theaters back then? Well, that documentary wasn't in movie theaters at all... Alex Jones' film equally savages Republicans and Democrats. Moore's film spends about 90% of the time demonizing Bush, which is great and well deserved. I just wish he would would have gone more into the bipartisan nature of the beast we're facing.

What disturbs me, though, is that the film is being turned into a Kerry 2004 circus. It's really easy, watching F911, to lapse into the false belief that all of our ills have been caused by Bush and his regime. However, to Michael Moore's credit---if you pay close attention---the film does, directly and indirectly:

* Implicate the Democrats with complicity in allowing Bush to steal the presidency in the first place.

* Implicate the Democrats with complicity in the passage of the Patriot Act.

* Implicate the Democrats with complicity in the passage of the funding legislation that made the war with Iraq possible.

In other words, Democrats have been complicit with Bush in THE WORST ASPECTS of the Bush presidency.

I'm sorry, but you have to get it through your head that Kerry is not going to save us. Once you're over that hurdle, you should then start to realize that, in fact, the system serves to prevent us from electing anyone who is capable of significantly altering policy.

Mark R, who runs, said it best in his email to me last night:

The 2004 "election" features a plutocrat from the occult Skull and Bones secret society who supports police state legislation, a new gas pipeline from north Alaska, more troops to Iraq, the war in Columbia, nuclear power, delaying fuel efficiency improvements in cars until 2015 and opposes the Kyoto Treaty. And then we have the incumbent, who is a war criminal, complicit in the murder of nearly 3,000 people in New York and countless Iraqis, Afghans and others.

The 2004 Presidential "election" makes the 2000 contest look honest in comparison -- at best, it will merely be "regime rotation" (replace Bush but keep the most important policies). The biggest way the election has been rigged is not phony computerized ballot machines (although they are a severe violation of democracy), but the manipulation of the process to ensure that Bush's cousin was picked as the opposition candidate. Bush, Kerry and Cheney are cousins, part of the American aristocracy.

Many more people who voted for Bush in 2000 have become disillusioned with him than the numbers of citizens who voted for Gore and now want to support Bush. The main question for the 2004 selection is whether Kerry is allowed to win or whether Team Bush will steal the election again.
Our dependence on a reality that has been fabricated by corporations is the problem. Bush and Kerry are the logical outcomes of this dependence. As long as we seek to exist in this fake, toxic and expensive reality, our leaders will emulate corrupt CEOs, and we will be robbed at gunpoint.

The solution involves decorporatizing yourself and your family to the extent possible. There are all kinds of minor things that individuals can do along these lines, however, the first really substantive step must be to remove corporations from our breakfast, lunch and dinner plates.

That's right.

The revolution begins with food. Start thinking less about politics and more about how you can obtain organically grown and raised vegetables, meat and dairy goods WITHOUT buying them from a market that has had them trucked in from hundreds or thousands of miles away. If you think electing decent politicians is difficult, consider the last sentence for a few minutes. This is a carefully worded challenge. I already know where this leads the individual, but, for now, I'll leave it up to you to turn over the implications.

As you think about, and solve, the basics of clean food and water, the political solutions will fall into place. Hint: You might find that you don't have much need for corporations, or the government that serves them.

It's incredible that when different types of people come to understand the exigencies of clean food and water, their politics suddenly become VERY congruent. If the first priorities are clean food and water, many areas of our present existence will become constrained. These limitations, however, lead to a sane, sustainable existence and an excellent quality of life.

In conclusion, I think F911 is a great film that should be seen by everyone. But, if this film only results in a Kerry presidency---that is, if we don't recognize the wider threats to our existence---our journey into oblivion will continue apace, just as it has under Bush.

Billions of Revenue from Oil 'Missing' :.

Someone tell Cheney to empty his pockets:

A Christian charity has accused the coalition authority in Iraq of failing to account for up to $20bn (nearly £11bn) of oil revenues which should have been spent on relief and reconstruction projects.

At the same time, the Liberal Democrats are demanding an investigation into the way the US-led administration in Baghdad has handled Iraq's oil revenues. The coalition is obliged to pay all oil revenues into the Development Fund for Iraq, but according to Liberal Democrat figures, the fund could be short by as much as $3.7bn.

Understanding 911: Incompetence, Blowback, Pearl Harbor or Reichstag Fire? :.

Mark R has compiled an excellent 9/11 scenario matrix. My personal opinion is that it's a Pearl Harbor situation, at minimum---Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen---but, almost certainly, involved a much higher level of operational control from elements of the U.S. government.

Never mind that three of the four planes were not shot down. (Yes, Flight 93 was shot down.) Forget about the decades old military intercept procedures for off-course aircraft. Fine. Assume all of that failed (uh, assume 75% of it failed). There are other aspects of the 9/11 events that simply must be ignored if you don't want to sound nuts to the casual observer; physical impossibilities that can't be attributed to incompetence, etc.

For example, what happened to World Trade Center 7? And how is it that debris from Flight 93 was found as far as eight miles away from the main crash site? These are rhetorical questions for me, but look at the evidence and come to your own conclusions. Maybe lots of dust and debris settled on top of WTC 7 and the extra weight caused the building to collapse exactly as if it was brought down by a professional demolition operation. You laugh, right? But the "dust and debris" scenario is as stupid as the official explanation, which is that a diesel fire caused the collapse. And maybe the passengers aboard Flight 93, during their, "Let's Roll" takeover of the plane caused it to maneuver in such a way as to make it explode in midair. Sure.

Obviously, it's much easier to believe the CNN version of events than the prima facie evidence that things did not go down as we have been told on 9/11. I mention the above two factors simply because they are impossible to refute and cannot be supported by the official story. (There are dozens of other inconsistencies with 9/11 that shoot down just about every aspect of the official story of what happened on that day.) And if they're impossible to refute, what actually happened to WTC 7 and Flight 93?

And what else is the government lying about?

Related: The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement -- U.S. Media's Dirty Little Secret

Canada's Heavy Oil and Wired's Irrational Exuberance :.

Wired remarks, "Who needs 'oil independence' - our friendly neighbor to the north is sitting on a black gold mine!" The only reason I kept reading the article was to see if the author ever came clean with the "energy in" requirements of this megamachine operation.

Get ready for a good laugh:

Carter doesn't think Syncrude's costs are low enough yet. For starters, the company spends more than $100 million a year on natural gas to heat the facilities and fuel the hydrotransport system.

The problem is that creating the steam requires a lot of energy. A less energy-intensive alternative: vapor-assisted petroleum extraction, a technology that injects gaseous hydrocarbons into the earth. When the heavy oil surfaces, the hydrocarbons are stripped off and recycled. One company, Canada's Petrobank, is experimenting with an air injection method that blasts out the bitumen with compressed air. There's also been some renewed interest in nuclear energy - not in the form of a bomb, but as a way to generate necessary steam.

So, when the natural gas runs out, they will they just build nuclear power plants to run this tar eating beast? Sure, why not?! Where's my Humvee? Can I have two Humvees?

One other point: Notice how the description of the plant is... terrifying. This is fairly typical of most megamachine systems:

The Caterpillar 797 dump truck is a true monster - 48 feet from tip to tail and 22 feet high, it creeps uphill with a 400-ton payload at 1 mile per hour. Syncrude owns 36 of the vehicles, which cost $5 million each. This herd of yellow pachyderms lumbers around the company's open-pit mines, shuttling oil sands from the digging shovels to a massive processing facility called a crusher. The inside of the crusher resembles the guts of the Nostromo, the doomed ore-hauling ship in Alien. Whale-sized pipes and narrow catwalks crisscross everywhere; steam billows from hoses that snake along the floor. Here the sands are pulverized, then sent to cyclofeeders to be mixed with hot water and pumped to gargantuan centrifuges where the oil-rich component, bitumen, is separated out. The bitumen is sent to giant cokers and roasted with hydrogen into Syncrude Sweet Blend.


Heinz Kerry's Family Fortune Worth Estimated $1 Billion :.

Rather than bloviating in a delirious, apoplectic rage, I would just ask you to read every word of this very carefully. I included the entire story. And make sure you click the Mellon Financial link at the bottom. Have a nice day:

Teresa Heinz Kerry, through a network of investments in blue-chip corporations, venture capital funds and municipal bonds, controls a family fortune worth an estimated $1 billion, an analysis of public records shows.

The $1 billion figure is double the estimates of her wealth that are widely cited in news stories about her husband, Sen. John F. Kerry, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

The couple would rank as the wealthiest to occupy the White House, far surpassing such storied presidential fortunes as the Kennedys'. Their assets are so vast and far-reaching that they mirror the U.S. economy and will probably raise questions about conflicts of interest.

"She represents a new ballgame in terms of her wealth and in terms of the wealth she controls," said Kevin Phillips, a political commentator and author of the history "Wealth and Democracy."

Heinz Kerry's investments, worth an estimated $500 million in 1995, have grown over the past nine years to $1 billion or more, even accounting for large living expenses and charitable contributions, according to an analysis of Securities and Exchange Commission filings, Senate financial disclosure reports, probate documents and other public records.

Because key details of Heinz Kerry's investments are not in the public record, a precise valuation is not possible. The Los Angeles Times' analysis produced estimates as low as $900 million and as high as $3.2 billion. Three senior executives at investment companies that handle accounts for wealthy clients reviewed the Times' study and said the $1 billion valuation was a fair and conservative estimate.

Heinz Kerry has declined requests by the Times in recent months for interviews. Campaign representatives for Sen. Kerry and his wife said the couple regard their assets as private. The representatives also declined to provide answers to written questions over the past two weeks.

Heinz Kerry's money is actively managed every day of the year, providing capital to Gannett, Anheuser-Busch, and Pfizer among many others. It helps finance municipal sewer systems, technology start-ups, schools and more.

The trust accounts are held at Mellon Financial Corp., the Pittsburgh institution that has long handled the affairs of the Heinz family. She inherited the family's fortune in the food business 13 years ago.

White House Cancels Laura Bush Interview with Carole Coleman :.

Karen, a frequent Cryptogon contributor, sends the following commentary:

What a sniveling PUSSY!!!! I can just see him now... "She was mean to me!! She kept asking me questions when I was trying to do a talking point!!!"

And if I knew Carole Coleman, it would be pints on me for a month!

THE White House has lodged a complaint with the Irish Embassy in Washington over RTE journalist Carole Coleman's interview with US President George Bush.

And it is believed the President's staff have now withdrawn from an exclusive interview which was to have been given to RTE this morning by First Lady Laura Bush.

It is understood that both RTE and the Department of Foreign Affairs were aware of the exclusive arrangement, scheduled for 11am today. However, when RTE put Ms Coleman's name forward as interviewer, they were told Mrs Bush would no longer be available.

The Irish Independent learned last night that the White House told Ms Coleman that she interrupted the president unnecessarily and was disrespectful.

She also received a call from the White House in which she was admonished for her tone.

ADMONISHED FOR HER TONE!? The woman should be given a medal for Christ's sake! This is starting to look like How the Irish Saved Civilization v2.0.

Irish Protesters Invoke Shakespeare to Blitz Bush :.

When they were stopped at a police road block, they staged their own version of Shakespeare's bloody Scottish tragedy.

First, a ghost with a whited-out face read the names of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq. Then a woman dressed as Lady Macbeth read a list of Iraqi victims.

Finally, a woman dressed as a witch with a black pointy hat and a flowing cape cast a spell on a man wearing a Bush face mask. The man crumpled to the floor as the witch ordered him to leave Ireland and end the occupation of Iraq.

The protesters held up a banner adorned with a quote from Macbeth, Shakespeare's powerful drama of death, destruction and ambition in feudal Scotland.

"There's the smell of blood still," read the banner, on which was painted a gory hand. "All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand."


:. Reading

Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture by Andrew Kimbrell Readers will come to see that industrial food production is indeed a "fatal harvest" - fatal to consumers, as pesticide residues and new disease vectors such as E. coli and "mad cow disease" find their way into our food supply; fatal to our landscapes, as chemical runoff from factory farms poison our rivers and groundwater; fatal to genetic diversity, as farmers rely increasingly on high-yield monocultures and genetically engineered crops; and fatal to our farm communities, which are wiped out by huge corporate farms.

Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America by Bertram Myron Gross This is a relatively short but extremely cogent and well-argued treatise on the rise of a form of fascistic thought and social politics in late 20th century America. Author Bertram Gross' thesis is quite straightforward; the power elite that comprises the corporate, governmental and military superstructure of the country is increasingly inclined to employ every element in their formidable arsenal of 'friendly persuasion' to win the hearts and minds of ordinary Americans through what Gross refers to as friendly fascism.

The Good Life
by Scott and Helen Nearing
Helen and Scott Nearing are the great-grandparents of the back-to-the-land movement, having abandoned the city in 1932 for a rural life based on self-reliance, good health, and a minimum of cash...Fascinating, timely, and wholly useful, a mix of the Nearings' challenging philosophy and expert counsel on practical skills.

Silent Theft: The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth by David Bollierd In Silent Theft, David Bollier argues that a great untold story of our time is the staggering privatization and abuse of our common wealth. Corporations are engaged in a relentless plunder of dozens of resources that we collectively own—publicly funded medical breakthroughs, software innovation, the airwaves, the public domain of creative works, and even the DNA of plants, animals and humans. Too often, however, our government turns a blind eye—or sometimes helps give away our assets. Amazingly, the silent theft of our shared wealth has gone largely unnoticed because we have lost our ability to see the commons.

The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It: The Complete Back-To-Basics Guide by John Seymour The Self Sufficient Life and How to Live It is the only book that teaches all the skills needed to live independently in harmony with the land harnessing natural forms of energy, raising crops and keeping livestock, preserving foodstuffs, making beer and wine, basketry, carpentry, weaving, and much more.

When Corporations Rule the World by David C. Korten When Corporations Rule the World explains how economic globalization has concentrated the power to govern in global corporations and financial markets and detached them from accountability to the human interest. It documents the devastating human and environmental consequences of the successful efforts of these corporations to reconstruct values and institutions everywhere on the planet to serve their own narrow ends.

The New Organic Grower: A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener This expansion of a now-classic guide originally published in 1989 is intended for the serious gardener or small-scale market farmer. It describes practical and sustainable ways of growing superb organic vegetables, with detailed coverage of scale and capital, marketing, livestock, the winter garden, soil fertility, weeds, and many other topics.