Norman Mineta Confirms that Dick Cheney Ordered Stand Down on 9/11
June 27th, 2007Even though we’ve known this for years…
Via: Jones Report:
Former Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta answered questions from members of 9/11 Truth about his testimony before the 9/11 Commission report.
Mineta says Vice President Cheney was “absolutely” already there when he arrived at approximately 9:25 a.m. in the PEOC (Presidential Emergency Operations Center) bunker on the morning of 9/11. Mineta seemed shocked to learn that the 9/11 Commission Report claimed Cheney had not arrived there until 9:58– after the Pentagon had been hit, a report that Mineta definitively contradicted.
Norman Mineta revealed that Lynn Cheney was also in the PEOC bunker already at the time of his arrival, along with a number of other staff.
Mineta is on video testifying before the 9/11 Commission, though it was omitted in their final report. He told Lee Hamilton:
“During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President…the plane is 50 miles out…the plane is 30 miles out….and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president “do the orders still stand?†And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!?
Mineta confirmed his statements with reporters, saying “When I overheard something about ‘the orders still stand’ and so, what I thought of was that they had already made the decision to shoot something down.”
Norman Mineta made it clear to reporters– who verified his quotes in written text alongside him– that Mineta was indeed talking about a stand down order not to shoot down hijacked aircraft headed for the Pentagon.
After no shoot down took place, it became clear that Cheney intended to keep NORAD fighter jets from responding– evidence that Cheney is guilty of treason, not negligence for allowing the Pentagon to be hit.
The idea that “the order still stands” matches up with a change in NORAD and Pentagon orders– issued on June 1, 2001, only months before 9/11. The document revoked the default standing orders to shoot down errant or hijacked aircraft and instructed them instead to stand down until they were given orders by the President, Vice President or Secretary of Defense.
This is a dog bites man story. Of course Mineta would confirm that his previous sworn testimony recorded on video was accurate.
Now if Mineta had changed his story (confessed perjury or made a weak claim that his prior testimony was in error due to senility, mad cow, or something) that would be news. Didn’t happen.
Amazing. I suppose the news media will consider this discredited due to the involvement of the “truth” movement. I wonder if he was on 60 minutes or something would anyone pay attention…
Has the white house ever responded to any of this?
Smoking gun.
But I had missed Mineta’s original sworn testimony.
//MOD That kind of comment will get you arrested and could cause trouble for me. Comment deleted. -Kevin
Anyone who hasn’t woken up to the fact that an old, white, moneyed mafia runs the USA, and has many collaborators who will do anything for cash/position (Clarence Thomas, Scalia, etc.), is a moron. These “humans” have no problem with murder and are completely networked with each other and throughout the “intelligence”, “law enforcement”, and “justice” systems. The real “drug barons” are in the USA – – running heroin and coke etc. out of the Venice Airport and elsewhere with a “get out of jail free” card when busted with kilos of the stuff as shown in Daniel Hopsicker’s work in his books and website on Wally Hilliard and Barry Seal etc and by various DEA agents (Castillo etc.) who have come out with the truth and been ignored. It is clear that US “intelligence” agencies were working with Atta etc. at the Venice airport pre-911 (what else is he doing at a known spook airport?) and that the background to all of this is the $500 billion plus drug business run by the skull & bones type intelligence creeps who take the proceeds to destabilize progressive countries and nationalistic latin American countries and keep a nice portion for themselves and their buddies – – as John Gotti was recorded saying – – he stayed out of the drug business b/c you couldn’t compete with the government – – he wasn’t kidding at the time, they run the coke and heroin business worldwide thru their agents and allies. Since the same people own the media thru the laundered proceeds of the lucrative trade (just where does Moon’s endless supply of money come from?), it doesn’t matter if Cheney came out and admitted on Faux or CNN (CIA?) the real truth of that day when he ordered the stand down . . . it would be spun as a good and patriotic act for the “homeland” . . . the people in the US for the most part are so stupid it is hard to really comprehend how stupid they really are, but take a look at what is on network tv and you will have some idea of how scary that level is . . . .
tmb… I’ve heard it time and again that the biggest and baddest mafia on the planet is the USA. Along with any other nut crushing government thats out there. All these “conflicts” are really nothing more than turf wars in da “hood” between “gangsta” governments.
The best article I’ve read about Mineta and 9/11 is:
How They Get Away With It
by Michael Green
the Complete 9/11 Timeline at
is also recommended, as is
Crossing the Rubicon: Simplifying the case against Dick Cheney by Michael Kane