The ‘Most Severely Wounded’ American Soldier

June 25th, 2007

After a couple of paragraphs, I started thinking about fates worse than death and how those are some of the only things still made in America. One wonders what the man would say to his parents if he could communicate… I know what I’d say.

The incredible thing about Americans is that they almost never look at themselves in the mirror. “We always have hope… We’re so lucky to have him. He was a very good son from the very beginning. God gave Jay to us and he’s a blessing to us.” These people, for example, are willing to lose everything to keep their son alive (in a state worse than death) because that’s easier than admitting that they are more responsible for his condition than George Bush or anyone else.


Not at all.

Take hypocrisy, ignorance of basic realities and trust in bogus religions (which extends to fascist governments) to their logical conclusions, and you wind up with two parents tending to the barely alive remains of their son while they talk about hope and God. And, in other news, 41% of Americans believe that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11.

Via: International Herald Tribune:

He lies flat, unseeing eyes fixed on the ceiling, tubes and machines feeding him, breathing for him, keeping him alive. He cannot walk or talk, but he can grimace and cry. And he is fully aware of what has happened to him.

Four years ago almost to this day, Joseph Briseno Jr. was shot in the back of the head at point-blank range in a Baghdad marketplace. His spinal cord was shattered, and cardiac arrests stole his vision and damaged his brain.

The 24-year-old is one of the most severely injured soldiers — some think the most injured soldier — to survive.

“Three things you would not want to be: blind, head injury, and paralyzed from the neck down. That’s tough,” said Dr. Steven Scott, head of the Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center at the Tampa VA Medical Center, where Briseno has twice been hospitalized for extensive care. In recent days, Briseno was hospitalized yet again, this time at the Washington, D.C., VA Medical Center.

As a high schooler, Briseno liked the Discovery Channel and CSI, and wanted to be a forensic scientist or investigator. He was 20, attending George Mason University, when he was called up from the reserves and sent to war.

After he was shot, he was flown to Kuwait and then to a military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany. His parents and two sisters rushed to his side.

“They told us, ‘Prepare for his service.’ That’s how bad he was,” said his father, Joseph Briseno Sr., a retired career Army man.

But he survived. From Germany, he went to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, then to McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia. In December 2003, he went home, to Manassas Park, Virginia, where his parents, Joseph Sr. and Eva, quit their jobs to care for him.

“All our savings, all our money, was just emptied … the 401(k)s, everything,” said Joseph Briseno, who took a new job a year and a half ago to make ends meet.

Various charities, especially Rebuilding Together, raised money to renovate their basement, supply a backup generator for the medical equipment, and install a lift so they can hoist “Jay,” as they call him, into a chair and bathe him in a handicapped accessible bathroom.

“If you asked me this from the very beginning, if we can handle it, I wouldn’t lie to you. I would say no, that there is no way. There’s no way that we’re going to learn all these things. But my wife and I, we learned everything. We are the respiratory technician, we are the physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists … his wound care nurse,” Joseph Briseno said.

“It’s a lot of work and it’s hard, and some days are harder than the other days. But we don’t take this as a burden for us because he’s our son. We will do everything for him.”

The family has help from VA-provided nurses, but not around the clock. Jay’s mother and father often do overnight duty, making sure their son is turned every four hours so he does not develop bedsores, which can become infected and threaten his life. If they do not turn him and keep him on schedule, he does not sleep well and becomes agitated.

At the Tampa VA, a nurse taught Jay Briseno to swallow his saliva — a big step that allowed him to have some pureed foods instead of just tube-feeding. He has not been able to handle any solid food, though — his injuries are too profound.

More recently, the Tampa staff tried to wean him from the respirator. This involved painstaking therapy to strengthen his diaphragm by placing weights on his belly and gradually increasing the air pressure on the machine to try to create resistance and muscle strength. So far, it hasn’t worked.

He has had other trials: surgeries, procedures and medications for bladder problems, high blood pressure, the opening for his breathing tube, dead tissue on his tongue — even an ingrown toenail. The latest is the bone disease, osteoporosis.

He can respond to questions by grunting or grimacing, and occasionally can say “mom” or “go,” but not consistently. He often opens his mouth.

“We believe he is very frustrated because he wants to say something. Those are the hardest times for us, especially when he’s sick or not feeling well. He just lays there. We don’t know what’s wrong with him,” Joseph Briseno said.

They pray that he will continue to improve, not get worse. And they hope to move to Tampa, where they believe their son can get the best care.

26 Responses to “The ‘Most Severely Wounded’ American Soldier”

  1. I recommend the novel “Johnny Got His Gun” by Dalton Trumbo.

  2. Eileen says:

    Oh dear.
    Had to decide whether to keep my Mom alive with machines, or not. She chose, and was able to communicate with me that she did not want to die if she was taken off a ventilator. Less than a month later in rehab she worked her way off of it and has lived without any machines since then. My sister’s were initially furious with me, but we have since reached agreement about Mom: no more machines, no heroic efforts etc.
    My loved ones know that these are my wishes as well – no machines thank you. I really feel for Joseph, unable to tell anyone what he wants. I’d want want you to pull the plug on me.
    And by the way, its turning every two hours to avoid breakdown.

  3. Ann says:

    I have worked with profoundly handicapped pediatric patients. (birth and life injuries) I have seen the issues that these patients face on a 24/7 basis. I have seen the results of long term care. I have seen family’s struggle with the many decisions that have to be made.

    I have a living will, I do not want these decisions to be made by my family, especially at a time when they would be reacting with emotion and not reality.

    How can these people believe in a “loving God”, I see nothing loving in war. I understand long term care, I understand not being able to let go of a loved one. I do not understand any God who would allow humans to slaughter each other.

  4. Mike Nomad says:


    He can respond to questions by grunting or grimacing, and occasionally can say “mom” or “go,” but not consistently. He often opens his mouth.

    “We believe he is very frustrated because he wants to say something. Those are the hardest times for us, especially when he’s sick or not feeling well. He just lays there. We don’t know what’s wrong with him,” Joseph Briseno said.


    I wonder if what he’s trying to say is, “I know you think you are doing the right thing, but, would you stop torturing me.” I wonder if his parents have ever asked him if he wants them to pull the plug.

    It’s one thing to have someone on machinery to give them a fighting chance at improvement. Jay’s condition is not going to get any better. Ever. This is as good as it gets. God in their house? No way.

    That being said, why isn’t there a discussion of why Jay’s parents are footing the bill? Jay was on active duty when he was injured. Uncle Sugar should be picking up the tab, in total.

    At least that’s the way it worked when I was in.

  5. hermesten says:

    “These people, for example, are willing to lose everything to keep their son alive (in a state worse than death) because that’s easier than admitting that they are more responsible for his condition than George Bush or anyone else.”

    Though I see your point, and agree for the most part, I have mixed feelings. I might agree entirely if most people weren’t just so plain stupid. But the entire system has essentially conspired against people like this, creating a world of false perceptions in order to exploit the ignorance and stupidity of the many in service of the powerful few.

    It takes intelligence and effort to overcome the conditioning and programming of the system. What can we really expect people like this to know and to do? They’ve been told by everyone that their obedience will be rewarded. Very few people are capable of admitting that their lives have been a lie. The perverse nature of human beings makes it necessary for these people to cling harder to the lies now than ever before. All they have now are their illusions.

  6. Larry Glick says:

    Rudy will stop by for a photo op and compare Jay to the Heros of 9/11. Hillary is not sure what she will say but will be sure to give her phony smile as she gazes down upon him. At the time Jay was injured, she is not sure if she was For the War or Against the War. Obama was against the war from the get-go, so all he has to say is he told us so. Kerry, of course, wishes he voted for MORE than the $87 billion before he voted against it. The extra billion might him bought GI’s like Jay some heavier duty armor and helmets. Scooter Libby is worried about doing 30 months in a Federal Country Club so he can’t take time to worry about guys like Jay. W is on the way to Crawford with Dick for some much-needed R and R. Mitt Romney will make Jay an Honorary Mormon which should be of some comfort. McCain will wax nostalgic about his days in the Hanoi Hilton and note that he and Jay are Brothers. Gore has to direct the War on Global Warming from his multi-million dollar palatial estate in Tennessee. But since he studied for the ministry, he will say a brief prayer for Jay. Members of Congress and the Senate don’t really have time to bother with a guy like Jay as they have earmarks to appropriate and another election coming up next year. And the Beat Goes On…

  7. NQA says:

    Goddamn… This is almost exactly the real-life version of the song Metallica – One…

    I’m really f*cking terrified…

  8. Jim says:

    “I recommend the novel “Johnny Got His Gun” by Dalton Trumbo.”

    Curious word, “recommend.” But I agree, it should be mandatory reading for every HS senior. I had to find it on my own. The only other novel I’ve read that affected me as deeply is 1984.

    “Goddamn… This is almost exactly the real-life version of the song Metallica – One…”

    “One” is based entirely on the novel Johnny Got His Gun.

    There’s a film too, though there’s no way to improve on the novel, so why bother.

  9. Jim says:

    “Take hypocrisy, ignorance of basic realities and trust in bogus religions (which extends to fascist governments) to their logical conclusions, and you wind up with two parents tending to the barely alive remains of their son while they talk about hope and God.”

    The qualifier “fascist” is superfluous. All governments are bogus religions.

    Examine the worship of the State in the United State and you will know the truth: there is no apostasy like anarchy. Try it out on your family, friends, acquaintances and co-workers. See what kind of reaction you get!

  10. kATHY fISHER says:


  11. Perhaps when Jay attempts to speak “Mom” – “Go” it’s his attempt to communicate to them his wish to please stop this Black Hole existence (not living).When machines determine a person’s next breath – constant turning – back up generators – clearing of tubes – etc; it appears that it’s the parents who are selfishly refusing to accept the fact, that Jay with a spinal injury (gun shot to back of head); that has left him, blind, speechless, paralyzed; that the son the knew is gone: never to laugh, marry, pursue a career, feel the mist of morning’s fog, etc. He ‘exists’ in a basement (his tomb) until when? What happens at the death of his parents? Are the sisters to give over their lives; while Condi shops for shoes, Cheney goes game hunting in fenced preserve, the Bush daughters go on safari with mom ( to patronize the po’ Black folks in Africa) Congress votes itself another raise, the Defense Dept keeps looking for the 2.3 trillion they misplaced (Jay’s dad cashes in his retirement money!) etc. I believe firmly that there is a ‘Season’ – Jay cannot joy in a single thing, day in and day out. This is not the fault of ‘GOD’ but of parents who have taken on a martyr complex- God is not the author of WAR – man is, because of his insatiable greed to rob others of their lands/resources. You’ll not see Jay or the multitudes with missing limbs, missing faces, brain damaged, burned beyond recognition as back drops in these TV photo ops, of ‘support the troops’. Jay’s family – becoming full time care givers, shows the lie of this!! The issue here is, what does Jay want? Has any attempt been made to ask him, if he wants to spend the days of his life, much like third base, or a bag of sand hooked to machines? What a tragic story of selfish denial. Compassion asks – what would Jay want, and how would I ‘feel’ trapped forever in a black void – being turned like chicken on a grill? JM

  12. 2much4me says:

    There is a book called “the wanting seed” that is far beyond 1984 in it’s grasp of the complex system that builds and supports war. We feel bad for the young man here and hope the lessons learned are worth it for all concerned. Who shares the guilt for the war? All of us to some degree. That could be us or our own child laying there in a helpless state. Remember the Dead.

  13. Saeed says:

    I wish that they’d let him die peacefully.

    I have a cast on my leg (from a motorcycle accident) and the restriction it imposes on me is sometimes unbearably frustrating. Imagine what Joseph would feel.

    If he can’t recover, then why inflict this torture on him?

  14. antisatan says:

    In respect for “Jay” and everyone else, American, Afghani or Iraqi, who is living through this madness of King George WWIII Bush.

    The Burning Bush (a tribute to father and son)

    Prepare to meet thy maker
    Troublesome Christian faker

    You don’t seem to understand respect for your fellow man
    Don’t think that you can disguise the hate that’s burning from your eyes

    Your evil actions we despise, too late to hide from all your lies
    We’ve come together across this land, to take back our future from your hands

    From first to last word, you lying bastard
    Grand wizard of deceit and disaster
    A tainted victor, carbon based hell raiser
    The empire falls on this comical Kaiser

    You stole the election, now you spread your infection
    You show no affection, you’re a lethal injection
    You can’t stand rejection, and you have no reflection
    A distorted collection of negative projections

    Do you get an erection projecting dysfunction?
    Need a circumcision from your manly projections?
    Taste apprehension, feel mass rebellion
    There’ll be no resurrection, just your crucifixion!

    (And do I need to mention your total corruption?)

    Are you paying attention, or do you lack intellection?
    Fear’s your protection; hate’s your prescription
    So what are our options, but to perform a dissection?
    To your confused conceptions, and your evil perceptions.

    You should be safe in your mansion, as they flatten Manhattan
    While you fatten your pension with your war tax collection.
    If you were Tibetan, you’d be less than a heathen
    May your karma be true, to the power of centillion (10 600)

    You will rot in eternity for the murder of millions
    Stole the world’s prosperity, to profit a billion
    One thing is certain, as we pull back the curtains
    The truth has been written, you will not be forgotten!

    We will soon enlighten, this ship’s course will righten
    The seas will soon settle, the skies will soon lighten
    And the people will love, and stop all this fighting
    A gift from above, it will be so delighting!

    So be prepared to meet thy maker
    In the clear light, we all ascend
    We will learn to forgive, and not to forget
    And attain our collective enlightenment!

    Michael Michael December 21st, 2002

  15. Michel_Tr says:

    Why doesn’t the nation care for its wounded? The military should foot all the bills not covered by public healthcare, this happened while serving his country, good or bad, they are responsible for his injuries. Why so much funds are cut off from the VA support programs and spent in obscene imperialist wars? The americans have only themselves to blame. Vote with your head, not with your eyes, look can kill.

  16. Ken says:

    The pensions funds of the corrupt and evil politicians should be drained and handed over to every wounded GI or the families of the dead that would bring it home to them.

  17. Liberty Mike says:

    First, as a human being, I must acknowledge the horrible fate of Jay and his family. Any one of us could be shot at point blank rage and suffer the same fate as Jay. Although I condemn him for joining the jarheads, mercy demands that he suffer no more.

    Perhaps one day we will all know god. For those that are looking for god, you will not find him wearing a soldier’s uniform. He won’t be found wearing any uniform of Caesar. In fact, I doubt that you will find him in the employ of Caesar.

    If you want to find the antithesis of god, all you have to do is look at all of those who choose to wear the uniform of Caesar or choose to be in his employ.

    The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Kind of like saying Dishonest Abe, Bill “the only good indian is a dead indian” Sherman, George Armstrong Custer, FDR, Ike, Harry the mass murderer, J. Edgar the faggot and tricky dick did not exactly enjoy be a “hero’s welcome” on the next part of their journey.

    Semper Fi that.

  18. Todd Marvin says:

    Wow ! What can you say other than we are to blame for this by voting in , and supporting tyrany ….not speaking out .

    My brother just graduated from ait in the army . Now he’s in Germany , awaiting his fate .

    His unit is currently in Irac till “November”. He is like the sub on a horrifc sports team waiting to fill in “as needed” . And for what …. think about it . Please dont kill my brother !

  19. Penny says:

    Metallica “One” instantly came to mind. Makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

    I can’t remember anything
    Can’t tell if this is true or dream
    Deep down inside I feel to scream
    This terrible silence stops me

    Now that the war is through with me
    I’m waking up, I cannot see
    That there’s not much left of me
    Nothing is real but pain now

    Hold my breath as I wish for death
    Oh please god, wake me

    Back in the womb it’s much too real
    In pumps life that I must feel
    But can’t look forward to reveal
    Look to the time when I’ll live

    Fed through the tube that sticks in me
    Just like a wartime novelty
    Tied to machines that make me be
    Cut this LIFE off from me

    Hold my breath as I wish for death
    Oh please god, wake me

    Now the world is gone I’m just one
    Oh god, help me
    Hold my breath as I wish for death
    Oh please god, help me

    Darkness imprisoning me
    All that I see
    Absolute horror
    I cannot live
    I cannot die
    Trapped in myself
    Body my holding cell

    Landmine has taken my sight
    Taken my speech
    Taken my hearing
    Taken my arms
    Taken my legs
    Taken my soul
    Left me with life in hell

  20. Rabbit says:

    The inhumanity of hypocrits in denial.

    The suffering born of wilful ignorance..

    The terror and destruction caused by the greed and hubris of stupid men…

    In the USA you have it all don’t you? To the one who suggested that all governments are religions, I beg to differ. ONly in the USA does worship of Government and Flag resemble a religious rite at this time. The rest of us, may have NeeoCon governemnts or their equivelant but they are not supported by a noticeable proportion of the population (Britain, Denmark, Australia and Canda for example). No offense but it is not so much a probelm of humanity’s at this time it is a problem humanity is having with America the Empire and its panicked, hubris filled, willfully ignorant portion of populace. Stop asking “for whom the bells tolls” it tolls for the USA.

  21. Frances says:

    #3 Ann Says:

    “How can these people believe in a “loving God”, I see nothing loving in war. I understand long term care, I understand not being able to let go of a loved one. I do not understand any God who would allow humans to slaughter each other.”

    I think it is wrong for anyone to blame God for the crimes committed by some people, God has given us a conscious mind to choose how we conduct ourselves. We can choose to be good or evil.


    Even if you only supported the crime, in God’s eyes it makes no difference, you will be punished along with the perpetrators who committed the crime. So the bottom line is the ultimate choice is yours and only you could make a difference in what you choose to do. Not GOD!

  22. norajeck says:

    Yes Johnny Got his Gun .should be required reading for every one considering a military Life

  23. Cara1974 says:

    Very sad, there is a special place in hell for Bush and his crew all those who continue to support this war are accessories to murder and will be held to account. In this life or the next. The soldiers are just pawns

  24. Elliott says:

    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.

  25. Bridges says:

    LET GO & LET GOD…This is a saying I first learned in AA,& it helped me through alot & still does today. WOW,I do not have children,so I cannot fathom what this situation would be like.
    After 4 years of being on a respirator & if the prognosis was NO CHANCE for improvement,I would hope some caring friends,Doctors,the WORDS of the people above who have left alot of concerns…would be a type of WAKE-UP call,an intervention if you will.
    When I was 16,my mother had M.S.,as her health declined & it became neccessary to keep her alive by PLUGS,TUBES,VENTILATORS,etc-my father & her sis & Bro-in-law all prayed & agreed NO WAY!!! So she died shortly thereafter.
    Recently my cat of 13 years,got so sick after many trips to the DR,that after praying & realizing it would be SELFISH to perhaps keep him alive for MY SAKE,I put him to rest.
    NOT by all means to compare Jay to a cat-but maybe it’s time to LET GO & LET GOD,have Jay now…Sincerely,Bridges

  26. rockpicker says:

    Magnetic Ribbons and the Yellowcake of Faith

    When we wake puking shame
    at last, and know the dream
    for sham, embraced en masse…
    When bells that rang victorious
    hang mute, their tarnished claims
    ignored in disrepute, and
    bitter sons, having been all they
    could be, can’t wish back innocence
    or the leg below the knee…

    (This brash regime’s trimmed reason
    from its ranks, its black guard
    in the street, protecting flanks.)

    …then will we heed the schemers’
    gloating leer? “There’s no future
    for dissidents here.”
    Row on row, with hand
    in trembling hand, it’s come to this.
    We dreamers need to stand.

    -G. Karl Marcus
    Dec., 2005

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