Australia’s Massive Military Buildup and Evolving Common “Defense” Arrangements

May 7th, 2009

Here’s a lengthy analysis of Australia’s recently announced plan to massively increase military spending.

Via: Global Research:

On March 2, 2009 the Australian Department of Defence released a 140-page white paper called Defending Australia in the Asia Pacific century: force 2030 (1), which announced $72 billion in new military spending for an island nation of barely 20 million inhabitants with no adversaries except those it chooses to make for itself.

The document details the Australian government’s plans to acquire and expand a full spectrum – air, sea and land – arsenal of advanced weaponry in the nation’s largest arms buildup since World War II.

The mainstays for the evolving Asian NATO…are Australia and Japan with India eyed as the third leg of the stool.

Australia and Japan both have, in addition to hosting US military bases and deploying forces for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, entered on yet more dangerous ground by joining the American worldwide interceptor missile system.

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One Response to “Australia’s Massive Military Buildup and Evolving Common “Defense” Arrangements”

  1. ltcolonelnemo says:

    Looks like the arms manufacturers have found another captive market to force their wares on.

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